USDA Forest Service

El Yunque National Forest


El Yunque National Forest
HC-01, Box 13490
Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625

(787) 888-1880

The forest is open daily from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Poisonous Plants, Shrubs and Trees Found on the El Yunque National Forest

Facts you should know

There are many poisonous plants, trees and shrubs growing on the island of Puerto Rico that can represent a potential health hazard; the Manchineel (Manzanillo, Hippomane mancinella) found only on the island’s coastal plain, exudes a caustic milky juice that can cause severe burns, swelling and even temporary blindness. Many species have toxic fruits, seeds or leaves, while others have irritating sap or hairs which can cause moderate to severe dermatitis.

Fortunately, there are few of these poisonous plants, shrubs and trees growing in the recreational areas of the El Yunque National Forest, and these can be easily identified and avoided by reviewing the information shown below. To become familiar with them, identify a species by selecting its “thumbnail” photo/drawing below; clicking on it will link you to the page which describes the selected species, including detailed information about its poisonous characteristics, and where it is found in the forest. You may wish to print-out these species descriptions and bring them along for reference when you next visit the El Yunque National Forest’s recreational area and its exciting nature trails!  

Drawing/Link to the Palo Bronco, Malpighia fucata

#1-Palo Bronco, Malpighia fucata

Drawing/Link to the Stinging Nettle, Ortiga, Urera chlorocarpa

#2-Stinging Nettle, Ortiga, Urera chlorocarpa

Photo/Link to the Stinging Nettle, Ortiga Brava, Urera baccifera

#3-Ortiga Brava, Urera braccifera

Photo/Link to the Tabaiba, Sapium laurocerasus

#4-Tabaiba, Sapium laurocerasus

Photo/Link to the Carrasco, Comocladia glabra

#5-Carrasco, Comocladia glabra

Drawing/Link to the Cabbage  angelin, Moca Blanca, Andira inermis

#6-Cabbage angelin, Andira enermis

Photo/Link to the Dumcane, Rábano Cimarrón, Dieffenbachia seguine

#7-Dumcane, Dieffenbachia seguine

Photo/Link to the Frangipani, Alelí, Plumeria rubra

#8-Frangipani, Plumeria rubra

Photo/Link to the Guinea Grass, Homolepis glutinosa

#9-Guinea Grass, Homolepis glutinosa

Photo/Link to the Cowhage, Pica-Pica, Mucuna pruriens

#10-Cow Itch, Mucuna pruriens

Photo/Link to the Elephant Ear, Yautía Blanca, Xanthosoma caracu

#11-Elephant Ear, Xanthosoma sagittifolium

Photo/Link to the Giant Philodendron, Yautía Cimarrona, Philodendron giganteum

#12-Giant Philodendron, Philodendron giganteum

(Data compiled by Alan Mowbray, El Yunque NF; please send any suggestions/comments to:


USDA Forest Service - El Yunque National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 16 December 2008 at 14:14:00 EST

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