What is Federal Acquisition?

Federal acquisition involves making purchases on behalf of Federal agencies, but it is also much more than that. Like any major business function, it calls for skillful problem solving. Each day the United States Federal Government depends on competent women and men to buy necessary products and contract for services with the funds allocated by Congress. This role requires adeptness at many different business disciplines, such as strategic thinking, evaluation, law, negotiation and management. Each day acquisition professionals engage in sound decision-making to balance a myriad of details without losing site of the overall purpose: protecting and serving the American people.

The acquisition workforce includes individuals who perform contracting, purchasing, partnering, and leveraging functions to support the accomplishment of an agency's mission. Membership in the acquisition workforce may be on a full-time, part-time, or occasional basis. Acquisition positions include contracting professionals, project and program managers, contracting officer representatives, and project officers.

Acquisition Defined: Acquisition includes traditional contracting functions, requirements definition, assessment and oversight of contract performance, and technical and management direction.

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