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National Gallery of Art - RESOURCES

Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts

Members of the Center

Samuel H. Kress Professor

John House
Courtauld Institute of Art

Andrew W. Mellon Professor

Miguel Falomir
Museo Nacional del Prado

Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, fall 2008

Nancy J. Troy
University of Southern California

Fifty-eighth A. W. Mellon Lecturer in the Fine Arts, spring 2009

T. J. Clark
University of California–Berkeley

Senior Fellowship Program

Paul Mellon Senior Fellow

Luisa Elena Alcalá
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The Virgin of Loreto and the Jesuits in Colonial Mexico

Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellows

Jonathan Unglaub
Brandeis University
Painting as Parthenogenesis: Raphael's Sistine Madonna

Nino Zchomelidse
Princeton University
The Medieval Image and Concepts of Authenticity

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellows

Andrew Carrington Shelton
The Ohio State University
Achille Devéria: Art, Identity, and Commerce in Early Nineteenth-Century Paris

Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh
University of California–Davis
The City and Its Reverse: Performing Space and Gender in Islamic Urbanism

Rebecca Zorach
University of Chicago
Passionate Angles: The Triangle in Renaissance Culture

Visiting Senior Fellowship Program

Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellows, fall 2008

Dario L. Gamboni
Université de Genève
Gauguin “in the Heart of Thought”

Lisa Pon
Southern Methodist University
Forlí's Madonna of the Fire: Image, Cult, Community

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow, fall 2008

Olivier Lugon
Université de Lausanne
Learning from Photographs: Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Photography

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow/Millon Architectural History Guest Scholar, fall 2008

Luigi Sperti
Università di Venezia
Architectural Decoration and Classical Tradition in Early Renaissance Venice

Postdoctoral Fellow

Douglas Brine
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007–2009
The Content and Context of Wall-Mounted Memorials in the Burgundian Netherlands

Predoctoral Fellowship Program

Predoctoral Fellows
in residence

S. Adam Hindin
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2007–2009
[Harvard University]
Knowledge, Memory, and Ethnic Commitment in Bohemian Visual Culture, 1200–1450

Ashley Elizabeth Jones
David E. Finley Fellow, 2006–2009
[Yale University]
“Lord, Protect the Wearer”: Late-Antique Numismatic Jewelry and the Image of the Emperor as Talismanic Device

Joan Kee
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2007–2009
[New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Points, Lines, Encounters: The Paintings of Lee Ufan and Park Seobo

Michele Matteini
Ittleson Fellow, 2007–2009
[New York University, Institute of Fine Arts]
Painting in the Age of Evidential Scholarship (Kaozheng): Luo Ping's Late Years, c. 1770–1799

Cammie McAtee
Wyeth Fellow, 2007–2009
[Harvard University]
The “Search for Form” in Postwar American Architecture

Kristin Romberg
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2006–2009
[Columbia University]
Gan's Constructivism

Joyce Tsai
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2007–2009
[The Johns Hopkins University]
Painting after Photography: László Moholy-Nagy, 1921–1936

Predoctoral Fellows
not in residence

Sinem Arcak
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2008–2010
[University of Minnesota]
Gifts in Motion: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1501–1639

Marisa Bass
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2008–2009
[Harvard University]
A Circle Apart: Jan Gossaert and the Scope of Humanist Painting in the Netherlands

Wen-shing Chou
Ittleson Fellow, 2008–2010
[University of California–Berkeley]
Where Our Journeys End: Visions, Exchanges, and Encounters in Early Modern Representations of Mount Wutai

Ivan Drpic
David E. Finley Fellow, 2007–2010
[Harvard University]
Kosmos of Verse: Art and Epigram in Late Byzantium

Christina R. Ferando
David E. Finley Fellow, 2008–2011
[Columbia University]
Staging Neoclassicism: Exhibitions of Antonio Canova's Sculptures

George F. Flaherty
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2008–2010
[University of California–Santa Barbara]
Mediating the Third Culture at Tlatelolco, Mexico City

Beatrice Kitzinger
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2008–2011
[Harvard University]
Real Presence and Ritual Presence: The Early Medieval Processional Cross and Its Representations

Albert Narath
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2007–2010
[Columbia University]
Rediscovering the Baroque: Architecture, History, and Politics in Austria and Germany

Andrei Pop
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2008–2010
[Harvard University]
Neopaganism: Henry Fuseli, Theater, and the Cultural Politics of Antiquity

Catherine Walden
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2008–2009
[University of Virginia]
Redemption and Remembrance: The English Episcopal Tomb in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

Tobias Wofford
Wyeth Fellow, 2008–2010
[University of California–Los Angeles]
Constructing Africa: The Visualization of Homeland and Diaspora in African-American Art of the 1960s and 1970s

Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad

Dana Byrd
[Yale University]

Maggie Cao
[Harvard University]

Jessica Horton
[University of Rochester]

Hannah Wong
[University of Texas at Austin]