NOAA Miami Regional Library at AOML

Special Collections and Library Publications

Harris B. Stewart Collection

Harris B. Stewart served as the first director of NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). An ESDIM grant obtained by Dr. Kristina Katsaros and Alejandra Lorenzo facilitated the preservation of a number of his writings, including field diaries composed during oceanographic research expeditions. The NOAA Miami Regional Library received a donation of Stewart's personal library of conference papers, speeches, and peer-reviewed publications, and maintains these items in a special collection, the Harris B. Stewart Collection. These items are available for in-library reference use only.

Stewart's field diaries are currently being digitized and made freely available online to further knowledge of Harris B. Stewart and his scientific contributions, and to provide insight into the history and leadership of AOML on Virginia Key. These digitized files require Adobe Acrobat Reader to be viewed.

Bello MJ, Cantillo AY, editors. 2004. Harris B. Stewart, Jr.: Northern Holiday Expedition 1951. Miami (FL): NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. NOAA OAR AOML Special Publication 2004-001. [69 pp.]

Part I - Introduction and Transcription
Part II - Photography and Data Sections
Part III - Miscellaneous Materials

Bello, MJ, Cantillo, AY, Gray, J, editors. 2007. Harris B. Stewart, Jr.: SCOR/IAMAP Operations Aboard DISCOVERER, 1970. Miami (FL): Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. NOAA OAR AOML Special Publication 2007-001. [196 pp.]

Note: Includes volumes 1 and 2 of this diary.

Wingal Bay New York Harbor 1958

Cuba Sessions 1972

Explorer Transfer 1960

Explorer Transfer II 1960: Panama - Key West

Explorer Transfer III 1960: Key West - Yucatan Strait - Norfolk

Persian Gulf Expedition 1948-1949

Indian Ocean Expedition 1964, Book 1

Indian Ocean Expedition 1964, Book 2

Granada 1984

Climate Change and Its Potential Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Frequency

This bibliography is designed to serve as a guide to the scientific and academic literature currently available on the topic of climate change ("global warming") and its potential impacts on tropical cyclone / hurricane intensity and frequency. An extensive keyword search of several database and electronic journal providers covering the years 1984 - 2007 resulted in the bibliography listed below. New items related to this topic will be added to this extensible resource as additional research and literature are published.

Link to the bibliography here.

    US Dept. of Commerce Noaa Research Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratories National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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    Page last updated October 1, 2007