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Photo Galleries

July 30, 2008: USCIRF/CHRC press conference: Nine Days Before the Beijing Olympics: Human Rights and Religious Freedom Concerns Beyond the Games 

Congressional Testimony


Correspondence with U.S. Government


Countries of Particular Concern






Op Eds


Policy Briefs

November  9, 2005: China Policy Brief 

Policy Statements by U.S. Leaders


Press Conferences


Press Releases



2008 Annual Report chapter

2008 Annual Report chapter (text only) 

2007 Annual Report chapter

2006 Annual Report chapter (text only)

2006 Annual Report chapter on findings from the Commission's trip to China (text only)

2005 Annual Report

2004 Annual Report

2003 Annual Report

2002 Annual Report

2001 Annual Report and May 14 2001 Addendum

2000 Annual Report

Newsletter Focus

USCIRF Newsletter Focus #4
USCIRF Newsletter Focus #3
USCIRF Newsletter Focus #2
Commission Newsletter Focus #1



USCIRF in the News 

November 23, 2004:  Activist Eyes 2008 Olympics if China Continues Religious Persecution - Religion News Service
November 19, 2004:  The Persecution of China's Christians - UPI

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Press Conference on Iraq
December 16, 2008
USCIRF Hearing on Sudan
September 24, 2008
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