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  • Edlund MJ, Fortney JC, Reaves CM, Pyne JM, Mittal D
    Beliefs about depression and depression treatment among depressed veterans
    Medical Care, 2008 Jun 1; 46(6): 581-9
  • Cohen AN, Glynn SM, Murray-Swank AB, Barrio C, Fischer EP, McCutcheon SJ, Perlick DA, Rotondi AJ, Sayers SL, Sherman MD, Dixon LB
    The family forum: directions for the implementation of family psychoeducation for severe mental illness.
    Psychiatric Services, 2008 Jan 1; 59(1): 40-8
  • Sajatovic M, Blow FC, Kales HC, Valenstein M, Ganoczy D, Ignacio RV
    Age comparison of treatment adherence with antipsychotic medications among individuals with bipolar disorder
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2007 Oct 1; 22(10): 992-8
  • Stecker T, Fortney JC, Hamilton F, Ajzen I
    An assessment of beliefs about mental health care among veterans who served in Iraq
    Psychiatric Services, 2007 Oct 1; 58(10): 1358-61
  • Fremont AM, Young AS, Chinman M, Pantoja P, Morton S, Koegel P, Sullivan G, Kanouse D
    Differences in HIV care between patients with and without severe mental illness.
    Psychiatric Services, 2007 May 1; 58(5): 681-8
  • Fickel JJ, Parker LE, Yano EM, Kirchner JE
    Primary care - mental health collaboration: an example of assessing usual practice and potential barriers.
    Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2007 Mar 1; 21(2): 207-16
  • McCarthy JF, Blow FC, Valenstein M, Fischer EP, Owen RR, Barry KL, Hudson TJ, Ignacio RV
    Veterans Affairs Health System and mental health treatment retention among patients with serious mental illness: evaluating accessibility and availability barriers.
    Health Services Research, 2007 Jun 1; 42(3 Pt 1): 1042-60
  • Kraus CA, Kunik ME, Stanley MA
    Use of cognitive behavioral therapy in late-life psychiatric disorders.
    Geriatrics, 2007 Jun 1; 62(6): 21-6
  • Sajatovic M, Valenstein M, Blow F, Ganoczy D, Ignacio R
    Treatment adherence with lithium and anticonvulsant medications among patients with bipolar disorder.
    Psychiatric Services, 2007 Jun 1; 58(6): 855-63
  • Kunik ME, Azzam PN, Souchek J, Cully JA, Wray NP, Krishnan LL, Nelson HA, Stanley MA
    A practical screening tool for anxiety and depression in patients with chronic breathing disorders.
    Psychosomatics, 2007 Jan 1; 48(1): 16-21
  • Cully JA, Graham DP, Stanley MA, Kunik ME
    Depressed and Anxious COPD Patients: Predictors of Psychotherapy Engagement from a Clinical Trial
    Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 2007 Jan 1; 14: 160-164
  • Sherman SE, Fotiades J, Rubenstein LV, Gilman SC, Vivell S, Chaney E, Yano EM, Felker B
    Teaching systems-based practice to primary care physicians to foster routine implementation of evidence-based depression care.
    Academic Medicine, 2007 Feb 1; 82(2): 168-75
  • Irmiter C, McCarthy JF, Barry KL, Soliman S, Blow FC
    Reinstitutionalization following psychiatric discharge among VA patients with serious mental illness: a national longitudinal study.
    Psychiatric Quarterly, 2007 Dec 1; 78(4): 279-86
  • Kreyenbuhl JA, Valenstein M, McCarthy JF, Ganoczy D, Blow FC
    Long-term antipsychotic polypharmacy in the VA health system: patient characteristics and treatment patterns.
    Psychiatric Services, 2007 Apr 1; 58(4): 489-95
  • Niv N, Cohen AN, Sullivan G, Young AS
    The MIRECC version of the Global Assessment of Functioning scale: reliability and validity.
    Psychiatric Services, 2007 Apr 1; 58(4): 529-35
  • Clements KM, Murphy JM, Eisen SV, Normand SL
    Comparison of self-report and clinician-rated measures of psychiatric symptoms and functioning in predicting 1-year hospital readmission.
    Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 2006 Sep 1; 33(5): 568-77
  • Chinman M, Young AS, Hassell J, Davidson L
    Toward the implementation of mental health consumer provider services in the VA
    VA National Mental Health Best Practices Conference, Portland, OR 2006 Sep 1.
  • Kreyenbuhl J, Valenstein M, McCarthy JF, Ganoczy D, Blow FC
    Long-term combination antipsychotic treatment in VA patients with schizophrenia.
    Schizophrenia Research, 2006 May 1; 84(1): 90-9
  • Ferguson CJ, Stanley M, Souchek J, Kunik ME
    The utility of somatic symptoms as indicators of depression and anxiety in military veterans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
    Depression and Anxiety, 2006 Jun 1; 23(1): 42-9
  • Sajatovic M, Valenstein M, Blow FC, Ganoczy D, Ignacio RV
    Treatment adherence with antipsychotic medications in bipolar disorder.
    Bipolar Disorders, 2006 Jun 1; 8(3): 232-41
  • Cully JA, Graham DP, Stanley MA, Ferguson CJ, Sharafkhaneh A, Souchek J, Kunik ME
    Quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbid anxiety or depression.
    Psychosomatics, 2006 Jul 1; 47(4): 312-9
  • Davidson L, Chinman M, Sells D, Rowe M
    Peer support among adults with serious mental illness: a report from the field.
    Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2006 Jul 1; 32(3): 443-50
  • Fortney JC, Pyne JM, Edlund MJ, Robinson DE, Mittal D, Henderson KL
    Design and implementation of the telemedicine-enhanced antidepressant management study.
    General Hospital Psychiatry, 2006 Jan 1; 28(1): 18-26
  • Resnick SG, Rosenheck RA
    Recovery and positive psychology: parallel themes and potential synergies.
    Psychiatric Services, 2006 Jan 1; 57(1): 120-2
  • Resnick G., Rosenheck R, Drebing C.
    What makes vocational rehabilitation effective?: Program characteristics versus employment outcomes
    Psychological services, 2006 Feb 1; 3: 239-248
  • Mittal D, Fortney JC, Pyne JM
    Impact of comorbid anxiety disorders on health-related quality of life among patients with major depressive disorder.
    Psychiatric Services, 2006 Dec 1; 57(12): 1731-7
  • Chinman M, Young AS, Hassell J, Davidson L
    Toward the implementation of mental health consumer provider services.
    The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 2006 Apr 1; 33(2): 176-95
  • Ziedonis DM, Smelson D, Rosenthal RN, Batki SL, Green AI, Henry RJ, Montoya I, Parks J, Weiss RD
    Improving the care of individuals with schizophrenia and substance use disorders: consensus recommendations.
    Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 2005 Sep 1; 11(5): 315-39
  • Smelson D, Losonczy MF, Castles_Fonseca K, Stewart P, Kaune M, Ziedonis D
    Preliminary Outcomes from a booster case management program for individuals with a co-occuring substance abuse and a persistent psychiatric disorder
    Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 2005 Sep 1; 1(3): 47-59
  • Fortney JC, Steffick DE, Burgess JF, Maciejewski ML, Petersen LA
    Are primary care services a substitute or complement for specialty and inpatient services?
    Health Services Research, 2005 Oct 1; 40(5 Pt 1): 1422-42
  • Chinman M, Hannah G, Wandersman A, Ebener P, Hunter SB, Imm P, Sheldon J
    Developing a community science research agenda for building community capacity for effective preventive interventions.
    American Journal of Community Psychology, 2005 Jun 1; 35(3-4): 143-57
  • Young AS, Sullivan G, Bogart LM, Koegel P, Kanouse DE
    Needs for services reported by adults with severe mental illness and HIV.
    Psychiatric Services, 2005 Jan 1; 56(1): 99-101
  • Burgess A, Kunik ME, Stanley MA
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: assessing and treating psychological issues in patients with COPD.
    Geriatrics, 2005 Dec 1; 60(12): 18-21
  • Erhart SM, Young AS, Marder SR, Mintz J
    Clinical utility of magnetic resonance imaging radiographs for suspected organic syndromes in adult psychiatry.
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2005 Aug 1; 66(8): 968-73
  • Young AS, Chinman M, Forquer SL, Knight EL, Vogel H, Miller A, Rowe M, Mintz J
    Use of a consumer-led intervention to improve provider competencies.
    Psychiatric Services, 2005 Aug 1; 56(8): 967-75
  • Kreyenbuhl J, Valenstein M, McCarthy JF, Ganoczy D, Blow FC
    Patterns of combination antipsychotic treatment for veterans with schizophrenia [poster]
    Schizophrenia Research 2005 Biennial International Congress, Savannah, GA 2005 Apr 1. 31(2): 544
  • Young AS, Chinman MJ, Cradock-O'Leary JA, Sullivan G, Murata D, Mintz J, Koegel P
    Characteristics of individuals with severe mental illness who use emergency services.
    Community Mental Health Journal, 2005 Apr 1; 41(2): 159-68
  • Kunik ME, Roundy K, Veazey C, Souchek J, Richardson P, Wray NP, Stanley MA
    Surprisingly high prevalence of anxiety and depression in chronic breathing disorders.
    Chest, 2005 Apr 1; 127(4): 1205-11
  • Young AS, Mintz J, Cohen AN, Chinman MJ
    A network-based system to improve care for schizophrenia: the Medical Informatics Network Tool (MINT).
    Journal of The American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 2004 Sep 1; 11(5): 358-67
  • Chinman M, Young AS, Schell T, Hassell J, Mintz J
    Computer-assisted self-assessment in persons with severe mental illness.
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2004 Oct 1; 65(10): 1343-51
  • Young AS, Mintz J, Cohen AN
    Using information systems to improve care for persons with schizophrenia
    Psychiatric Services, 2004 Mar 1; 55(3): 253-255
  • Davidson L, Shahar G, Stayner DA, Chinman MJ, Rakfeldt J, Tebes JK
    Supported socialization for people with psychiatric disabilities: lessons from a randomized controlled trial
    Journal of Community Psychology, 2004 Jul 1; 32(4): 453-477
  • Felker BL, Barnes RF, Greenberg DM, Chaney EF, Shores MM, Gillespie-Gateley L, Buike MK, Morton CE
    Preliminary outcomes from an integrated mental health primary care team.
    Psychiatric Services, 2004 Apr 1; 55(4): 442-4
  • Curran GM, Kirchner JE, Worley M, Rookey C, Booth BM
    Depressive symptomatology and early attrition from intensive outpatient substance use treatment.
    The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 2002 May 1; 29(2): 138-43
  • Milner KK, Valenstein M
    A comparison of guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia.
    Psychiatric Services, 2002 Jul 1; 53(7): 888-90