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Civic Education Survey (CivEd)

For Researchers

CivEd Data CD

The International Comparisons program has released a CD-ROM containing the data from the Civic Education Study 1999. The Civic Education Study (CivEd), conducted in 1999, provides information on U.S. ninth-graders knowledge about democratic practices and institutions in relationship to students in 27 other participating countries. In addition, CivEd provides data measuring ninth-grade students’ attitudes toward democracy, national identity, international relations, and social cohesion and diversity.

The CD-ROM contains the U.S. national data, Electronic Codebook, and U.S. User's Guide plus materials describing testing, sampling, data collection and data. Users should have experience with SAS, SPSS, STATA, or a similar statistical program to extract variables from the CD.

To order a copy of the CD, visit Publications and Products.