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Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

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Evaluation and Analysis Division

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The mission of the Evaluation and Analysis Division (EAD) is to support the educational goals of the FLETC with timely and professional research and evaluation leadership using sound educational research and evaluation methodologies to improve and validate FLETC courses, curricula, and student achievement. EAD emphasis is on the development of clear and educationally sound measurement strategies for student and program success. The EAD designs survey and evaluation instruments, collects data, provides analytical results, and makes recommendations to management that ensure the continuing validity and quality of FLETC training programs. Organizationally the EAD is aligned with the Office of Training Management (OTM) providing services for the Center, the field sites, International and state and local training as well as the Partner Organizations on a limited basis.

FLETC Automated Testing and Evaluation System (FATES)
LEVEL I: Student Feedback System (SFS)
LEVEL II: Automated Testing System (ATS) and Practical Exercise Assessment System (PEAS)
LEVEL III: Continuous Validation Process (CVP)
EAD Staff Information & Points of Contact