Braille Books 2003-2004 National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Library of Congress Washington 2006 Spanish Fiction Poirot Investiga (Poirot Investigates) BR 14486 por Agatha Christie 2 volumes Presentan once historias de casos solucionados por el sagaz detective belga, Hercule Poirot. Incluyen "La Aventura de la Tumba Egipcia," "Tragedia en Marsdon Manor," "El Rapto del Primer Ministro" y "La Aventura del Noble Italiano."(Eleven mystery stories solved by the ingenious Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot. Includes "La Aventura de la Tumba Egipcia," "Tragedia en Marsdon Manor," "El Rapto del Primer Ministro," and "La Aventura del Noble Italiano.") 1925.