U.S. Office of Personnel Managment


A Federal employee is entitled to receive a lump-sum payment for any unused annual leave when he or she separates from Federal service or enters on active duty in the armed forces and elects to receive a lump-sum payment. Generally, a lump-sum payment will equal the pay the employee would have received had he or she remained employed until expiration of the period covered by the annual leave.

How is a lump-sum payment calculated? A lump-sum payment is calculated by multiplying the number of hours of accumulated and accrued annual leave by the employee's applicable hourly rate of pay, plus other types of pay the employee would have received while on annual leave, excluding any allowances that are paid for the sole purpose of retaining a Federal employee in Government service (e.g., retention allowances and physicians comparability allowances).
What types of pay are included in a lump-sum payment? The types of pay included in a lump-sum payment are:
  • Rate of basic pay
  • Locality pay or other similar geographic adjustment
  • Within-grade increase (if waiting period met on date of separation)
  • Across-the-board annual adjustments
  • Administratively uncontrollable overtime pay, availability pay, and standby duty pay
  • Night differential (for FWS employees only)
  • Regularly scheduled overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act for employees on uncommon tours of duty
  • Supervisory differentials
  • Nonforeign area cost-of-living allowances and post differentials
  • Foreign area post allowances
What if an employee returns to Federal service? In calculating a lump-sum payment, an employee's annual leave is projected forward for all workdays the employee would have worked if he or she had remained in Federal service. By law, holidays are counted as workdays in projecting the lump-sum leave period. If an employee is reemployed in the Federal service prior to the expiration of the period of annual leave (i.e., the lump-sum leave period), he or she must refund the portion of the lump-sum payment that represents the period between the date of reemployment and the expiration of the lump-sum period. An amount of annual leave equal to the days or hours of work remaining between the date of reemployment and the expiration of the lump-sum leave period is recredited to the employee.
Reference: 5 CFR part 550, subpart L (effective September 7, 1999)
Web page update 28 February 2000