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Bright Futures for Women's Health and Wellness - A Woman's Guide to Emotional Wellness


Part of being a young woman is spending a lot of time thinking about and talking about your emotions. You probably know when you are happy, sad, proud, angry, excited, and so on. It's easier for all of us to think about our emotions when we have them. To be emotionally well, you may also need to think about how you feel in a broader way. You need to be sure you are aware of all of your feelings — good or bad — not only when you have them, but at other times, too.

Being emotionally well means feeling good about yourself, your relationships, and your purpose in life. It does not mean that you will never be sad, angry, or confused. Everyone feels this way from time to time. When you are emotionally well, you may have fewer lows and may be able to bounce back from sad times faster. You may also feel more happiness during the good times. All young women can learn to feel better. Once you learn, you can help your friends learn, too!

This guide has three sections. Each one is important for emotional wellness. These are:

Each section has ideas to help you feel better. It includes quizzes and activities for you to do by yourself or with your friends. The guide also has stories from young women like you.

All young women are unique, but we hope that every young woman will be able to use some of this information. As you are looking through it, keep track of the tips that might help you or a friend!

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