GSA Advantage Help - Checkout Review

Deliver on or before date
If you need your item before the delivery date provided, please specify this using the "Deliver on or before date" area. Add comments in the PO Notes area if needed.

Note: The contractor might increase delivery costs which are not included in the price provided in GSA Advantage. Contractor may contact you regarding extra delivery costs.

PO Note field

Include this type of information in the PO Notes field:
  1. Add and/or explain additional options and accessories not mentioned in Advantage (ex. colors, sizes). For example, if you are ordering custom stamps or signs, describe what you would like them to say.
  2. Add any information that will clarify your order for the contractor.

Can I specify different shipping addresses for each purchase order/requisition?

Yes, each purchase order/requisition can have its own "Ship To" address. Simply, click "change" under "Ship Address" for each purchase order/requisition and you can select a different address from your address book.

Required Information for Checkout

The following lists additional information that may be required from buyers at Checkout Review (under certain circumstances). Required fields are shown with an asterisk. They are shown here for your information.

* Credit Card Expiring:

  Your credit card has or will expire soon. Please update the expiration date of your card. GSA Advantage will prompt you to update your credit card whenever there are 20 days or less remaining on your card. (Most renewed credit cards are issued 30 days in advance of the old card's expiration date.) You will be unable to purchase using a card having 20 days or less. This is because GSA Advantage does not authorize your card for MAS orders. MAS orders are passed to the contractor. The contractor does not bill the card until shipment. Unfortunately, due to longer lead-times, credit cards with only a few days remaining before expiration are often invalid by the time the contractor attempts to authorize the transaction.

* Bill of Lading (BL)

  A Bill of Lading POC is required. Your Purchase Order contains items that are FOB Origin. These are additional freight charges. This vendor will not prepay these charges and add the cost to the invoice. Please provide the agency point of contact and phone number so the vendor may contact your agency to obtain a Bill of Lading or specific shipping instrustions.

* Overseas Transportation Expenses

  Overseas Customer: Your shipping destination is OCONUS (outside continental US). If your shipment is too large to be mailed it may be initially shipped by the vendor to a US consolidation point or freight forwarder. Payment for additional transportation will be required. In order to pay for this second destination transportation, a Transportation Account Code (TAC) or fiscal data, and Transportation Control Number (TCN) are required.

OCONUS military customers: a TAC and TCN are required for billing of overseas transportation expenses. GSA may provide TAC or TCN defaults which you may accept or change. Air Force customers will be required to provide a Unit assigned TAC. You will be prompted at Checkout for this information. Links to AF TAC Coordinators and the TAC application are provided at Checkout Review.

OCONUS State Department or other non-DoD customers: fiscal or transportation appropriation data is required for billing of overseas transportation expenses.

Note: TAC/fiscal data will not be billed if shipment is mailed via your APO/FPO.

* Distribution & Fund Code

  GSA Customers: As an internal GSA customer, it is mandatory (for accounting purposes) to provide the proper Distribution Code (also called Cost Element) and Fund Code (also called FedCode) with your order. Please verify or enter the Distribution Code and the Fund Code below. If you are unsure which codes to enter, please contact your servicing Budget/Financial Management Office for assistance.

* Fund Code

  DoD Customers: For accounting purposes we are requesting that you provide the proper Fund Code with your order. This two-digit code indicates to GSA that Funds are available to pay for the material being ordered, and authorizes its release. Please verify or enter the Fund Code below. If you are unsure which codes to enter, please contact your servicing Budget/Financial Management Office for assistance.

* Purchase Order Number Required

  Agency Purchase Order No. required: You have used your Activity Address Code (AAC) as a payment method for a MAS schedule order and in order to assist your finance office you are required to enter your own PO number. Please be aware that GSA does not bill your AAC via US Treasury/IPAC when used for purchase orders sent directly to a schedule vendor. The schedule vendor will invoice your agency's finance office directy and your AAC will not be billed. Your finance office should recognize this PO number so that payment can be made.

* Appropriation Data

  Appropriation Data is an optional field that allows you to enter funding or accounting information.
NOTE: For USDA Customers, Appropriation Data is required for all GSA Requisitions.

* Reference #

  The Reference number is a 14 character input field that allows you to include a PO or other control number for the package label. This Reference number will be appended to the third line of the shipping address.

NOTE: The third line of your address may not exceed 35 characters. If the third line of your address contains 26 characters + 1 space (for separation), your Reference Number may only be 8 characters long - a total of 35 characters. Because the Reference Number is unique to each order, it will not appear with the address in your Address Book.

Sample address with a Reference Number:
General Services Administration
1901 S BELL ST
CM#4 Room 712 GY123461231234
Arlington, VA 22202

NOTE: If this Reference Number will be used for other orders and is not unique to this shipment, please "Create a New Address" and include the reference number as part of the address.
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