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ArrowGraduate Educational Opportunities at the Magnet Lab

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Check out the Spring 2009 series of Scientific Communication Workshops, geared toward international students and scientists.

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who want research experience at the cutting edge of magnetic field, pressure and temperature need look no further than the Magnet Lab. Research at the lab covers many disciplines – physics, biology, chemistry, engineering – and all the combinations of each you can imagine.

The state-of-the-art research facilities give students access to tools that exist no where else in the world, because lab engineers design and build our magnets, many of which hold world records for strength of field.

The three-campus Magnet Lab is operated by Florida State University in Tallahassee, the University of Florida in Gainesville and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, with each site specializing in a different area of high-field research. The relationship between the campuses presents graduate students and postdocs with myriad opportunities.

Features and benefits of graduate study at the Magnet Lab include:

  • Magnet Lab faculty advise more than 164 undergraduate students and serve on more than 90 graduate committees.
  • Up to 20 Magnet Lab-affiliated graduate students earn doctoral degrees each year.
  • Two dozen undergraduates participate in mentorships at the Magnet Lab every summer.
  • More than 900 visiting scientists come to Tallahassee and Gainesville each year to conduct research in the lab’s facilities; many give open seminars and talks.
  • Workshops and conferences supported by the Magnet Lab attract thousands of distinguished visitors annually.

For more information on graduate opportunities at the Magnet Lab's three locations, please explore the links below:

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1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310 - 3706

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Email: Magnet Lab Webmaster