United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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The Healing Arts

A Mind's Eye

Included in this section are creative works by veterans whose lives have been touched by hepatitis C. Many of these artists displayed their work at Hepatitis C Awareness days at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. (At left: "A Mind's Eye" by Rudy Ramirez).

For more information on Art Therapy, click here.


BulletRobert Archy, mixed media
BulletRussell Barni, photography, collage
BulletLuis Becerra, painting
BulletRichard Calhoun, painting
BulletJohn Carney, poetry
BulletArturo Dumlao, painting
BulletJay Ellis, painting
BulletPhilip Hackett, poetry
BulletJohn Hayes, painting
BulletNancy Herron-Pike, quilting
BulletKennethe Jones, mixed media
BulletGary Kaufman, painting
BulletTracy Morrish, stained glass
BulletDonald Parrott, colored drawings
BulletBilly Powell, painting, jewelry, and poetry
BulletRudy Ramirez, collage
BulletMichael Robertson, collage and poetry
BulletJonathan Runckel, painting
BulletAllen Schaf, painting, collage
BulletRoyce Vaughn, painting
BulletRich Victor, painting
BulletKaren Walls, collage
BulletRonald Wylie, painting, poetry, drawing