
Who We Are

The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems. We provide a variety of resources available free at this website to help improve transportation planning and policy analysis. We are funded primarily through consulting and project grants. Our research is among the most current available and has been widely applied. It can help you:

  • Identify better solutions to transportation problems, including some approaches that are frequently overlooked or misunderstood.
  • Identify the full benefits, costs and equity impacts of alternative transportation policies and programs.
  • Compare and evaluate alternatives.
  • Create a bridge between theory and practice.

Newest Resources (January 2009)

Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis: Techniques, Estimates and Implications [Second Edition]
This fully-updated document is a comprehensive study of transportation benefits and costs, and a guidebook for applying this information for policy and planning analysis. It is unique in several important ways. It includes many impact categories that are often overlooked. It explains economic evaluation techniques and how to apply them. It provides extensive reference information, mostly available through the Internet. It provides costs values in a format designed to easily calculate costs and benefits in a particular situation.

Climate Change Emission Valuation for Transportation Economic Analysis
This paper describes climate change impacts and costs, presents methods for quantifying and monetizing (measuring in monetary units) these impacts, and summarizes published unit cost estimates.

Setting Up Superstores and Climate Change
This short paper by economist Jean-Marie Beauvais describes the results of a study indicating that shopping at large, suburban 'superstores' consumes more than four times as much transport energy as local grocery store shopping.

A Good Example of Bad Transportation Performance Evaluation
This paper discusses principles of transportation performance evaluation, and critically evaluates the recent Fraser Institue report, Transportation Performance of the Canadian Provinces.

Carbon Taxes: Tax What You Burn, Not What You Earn
This report describes carbon taxes in general and the new British Columbia carbon tax in particular. It discusses carbon tax principles, identifies potential benefits and evaluates criticisms.

Litman's Planetizen Blogs
VTPI Executive Director Todd Litman shares information and insights in blogs posted on Planetizen, a public-interest information exchange for urban planners, designs, and developers.

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Our goal is to make this information widely available. You are welcome to quote and copy from VTPI documents, provided you credit the authors. Most documents are posted in HTML or PDF format. Contact VTPI to obtain a document in other formats such as Word or RTF, for example, to more easily copy a table or graph. Just let us know how you plan to use it – we are usually glad to accommodate such requests

Victoria Transport Policy Institute  |   1250 Rudlin Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, Canada
e-mail:  |   Phone & Fax: (250)360-1560

Website Development: Quietwoods Web Solutions