Post-workshop Survey
Tuesday, April 18
Wednesday, April 19
Thursday, April 20
Tuesday, April 18
Opening remarks   Rita Curtis, HQ/ST
Best paper awards for policy analysis
First Place
Economic analysis of alternative harvest strategies for Eastern Georges Bank haddock - paper - presentation Eric Thunberg, NEFSC
Doreen Liew, DFO Disclaimer
Charles Fulcher, NEFSC
Jon Brodziak, NEFSC
Second Place
Monitoring environmental justice impacts: Vietnamese-American longline fishermen adapt to the Hawaii swordfish fishery closure - 
paper - presentation
Stewart Allen, PIFSC
Amy Gough, JIMAR Disclaimer
Best paper awards for scientific research
First Place
Learning and the adaptive management of fisheries resources -
paper - presentation
David Tomberlin, SWFSC
Teresa Ish, UCSC Disclaimer
Second Place
Effort response, harvest, climate, and the economy in the Gulf of Mexico recreational red snapper fishery David Carter, SEFSC
David Letson, RSMAS Disclaimer
Third Place
Estimating vessel efficiency using a bootstrapped Data Envelopment Analysis model - paper - presentation John Walden, NEFSC

Protected species roundtable lunch discussion

General capacity issues
  NOAA Fisheries’ overcapacity project Joe Terry, HQ/ST
  Technological changes and the impact on fishing capacity of the Hawaii longline fishery Minling Pan, PIFSC
  Effective effort as a basis for an industry-funded buyback in New England Chad Demarest, NEFMC
  Preliminary thoughts on the implications of fishing communities and regional fishery associations in DAP programs as specified in S. 2012 Lee Anderson, UD; Disclaimer HQ/P
Dedicated Access Privileges (DAPs)
  The shape of things to come: how do Dedicated Access Privileges (DAPs) affect what NMFS and Council economists are doing – should be doing – will be doing? Dan Holland, GMRI Disclaimer
  Using quota trading data to improve fishery management : a New Zealand perspective Dan Holland, GMRI Disclaimer
  Data collection in rationalized fisheries Ron Felthoven, AFSC
  Data and analytical requirements under DAP systems -- crewmember initiatives at the North Pacific Council Mark Fina , NPFMC
  Halibut & sablefish community quota share purchase program Nicole Kimball , NPFMC

Sector allocations in the Northeast

Drew Kitts, NEFSC
  Development of the West Coast limited entry trawl DAP Carl Lian, NWFSC

Wednesday, April 19
  Correcting endogenous stratification in random utility models Paul Hindsley, HQ/ST; ECU Disclaimer
  Survey methodology: Knowledge Networks’ national panel for federally sponsored research Mike Dennis, KN Disclaimer
  Valuation of marine protected areas: a comparison of MNL and latent class models Kristy Wallmo, HQ/ST
Fish of the day
  OMB peer-review guidelines Tom Gleason, HQ/ST
  Magnuson-Stevens Act reauthorization - part 1 - part 2 Joe Terry , HQ/ST
Matt Milazzo, HQ/SF
  After the storm: examining the implications of Hurricane Katrina on fishing communities in the Gulf of Mexico Palma Ingles, SERO
Applications of GIS to understanding the human dimensions of fisheries and ecosystems
  The ‘cultural turn’ in geography and GIS Julie Olson, NEFSC
  Using GIS to assess patterns of fishing and socioeconomic resilience within fishing communities in Hawaii Stewart Allen, PIFSC
  Unraveling land-sea connections in the herring fishery using GIS Patricia Pinto da Silva, NEFSC

Bioeconomics joint session with the National Stock Assessment Workshop (NSAW)

  The West Coast groundfish rebuilding process Merrick Burden, NWR
  Optimal recovery paths in a metapopulation: some preliminary analysis James Sanchirico, RFF Disclaimer
  Fisher behavior with area closures and economic rationalization Alan Haynie, AFSC
Working group meetings
  Protected species Kristy Wallmo, HQ/ST
  Capacity Joe Terry, HQ/ST
Rita Curtis, HQ/ST

Thursday, April 20
Fish of the day
  A review of regional economic models for fisheries management in the U.S. Chang Seung, AFSC
  Economics and social science lessons for marine policy makers Alan Haynie, AFSC
Ecosystem research and management
  Ecosystems pilot project: stakeholder views Chad Demarest, NEFMC Disclaimer
  Overview of the Western Pacific ecosystem social science workshop Stewart Allen, PIFSC
Susan Abbott-Jamieson, HQ/ST
Sundries and closing remarks Rita Curtis, HQ/ST
Program meetings
  Commercial Rita Curtis, HQ/ST
  Recreational Brad Gentner, HQ/ST
  Sociocultural Susan Abbott-Jamieson, HQ/ST