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V-E Day Victory in Europe 60th anniversary MAy 8, 1945 - 2005 banner image
Bush Observes World War II Victory Ceremonies in Moscow
President George W. Bush greets veterans at the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten, May 8, 2005, following a ceremony honoring those who served in World War II.
GOING FOR A SPIN - Russian President Vladimir Putin and President George W. Bush take a spin in President Putin's car during a visit Sunday night, May 8, 2005. White House photo by Eric Draper. More Photos
WASHINGTON, May 9, 2005 - President Bush joined Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders today in Moscow's Red Square to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Allied victory in Europe during World War II.

The celebration, known in Russia as Victory Day, honors what Putin called a "victory of good over evil" and a remembrance of an estimated 27 million Russians who died during the conflict. Today's observance included a parade in Red Square, with some 2,500 World War II veterans participating.

Afterward, Bush joined others in laying red carnations at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the Kremlin wall. On his May 8 arrival in Moscow, Bush called the celebration "a moment where the world will recognize the great bravery and sacrifice the Russian people made in the defeat of Nazism."

Bush noted that despite suffering "incredible hardship" during World War II, "the Russian spirit never died out." Other World War II allies celebrate V-E, or "Victory in Europe," Day on May 8. Story

President Bush Remembers 'Great Victory for Liberty' on V-E Day
President George W. Bush greets veterans at the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten, May 8, 2005, following a ceremony honoring those who served in World War II.
SALUTING VETERANS - President George W. Bush greets veterans at the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten, May 8, 2005. White House photo by Eric Draper. More Photos
WASHINGTON, May 8, 2005 - President Bush "commemorated a great victory for liberty," at the American cemetery in Margraten, Netherlands,  May 8, 2005, in observance of the 60th anniversary of V-E - Victory in Europe - Day.

"The thousands of white marble crosses and Stars of David underscore the terrible price we pay for that victory," the president said in his tribute to fallen World War II servicemembers. He also recognized World War II American veterans at the ceremony.
"We welcome you and we honor you," Bush said. "And they're here with their Dutch comrades. They share a love of liberty. In the war that came to an end 60 years ago this day, all those who fought for freedom made sacrifice, and many gave their lives." Story

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On the Home Front
Photo of Americans in the street celebrating V-E Day.
Photo of American family reading the paper walking down the street.
WWII Poster Gallery
On the Battle Front
Photo of Senior Officers of the U.S. Armed ForcesWASHINGTON, May 8, 1945 — Senior Officers of the U.S. Armed Forces make a radio broadcast following the official announcement of Victory in Europe on 8 May 1945. They are (from left to right): General of the Army George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Senior Member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, Chief of Naval Operations. U.S. Navy Photo. Photo of German Field Marshall Wilhelm KeitelBERLIN, May 8, 1945 — German Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel signs the surrender for the German Army in Berlin. National Archives Photo.
A Witness Remembers
"After landing on Utah Beach on the 6th of June, 1944, with the 4th Infantry Division, and heavy combat to liberate France, I found myself towards the end of the war in Compiegnes, France, about 40 miles north of Paris. I was assigned to the 16th Infantry Replacement Depot, with duty to train brand new army recruits for more fighting in Germany and the Pacific theater.

"These kids knew absolutely nothing about fighting. With so many casualties in the war, we were left with training office clerks, cooks, mechanics, most of which had never seen a rifle before. I tried to transfer all of my experience to them. We lived in tents on the old race track in the forest of Compiegnes.

"Two days prior to VE-Day, I got a free birthday pass and was able to visit Paris - I remember walking on the Boulevard de la Madeleine on a sunny day, with a sense the war was nearing an end. VE-Day, 8 May 1945, however, was a day of tempered jubilation for me. I had received enough points in the war (for combat, time served in the army, etc), that I could be discharged from the army to return home.

"But since I was part of the main cadre in Compiegnes, I was told that I would lead my new recruits to the South Pacific for continued fighting since the war carried forth on that side of the world. So, yes, I was pleased the war had ended in Europe, but I was apprehensive about having to fight again in the Pacific. That was my VE-Day."
Theodore Liska

More Information
60th Anniversary Celebrations of the end of World War II Bush To Celebrate VE Day in Netherlands, Victory Day in Russia
World War II 60th Anniversary Committee Event Americans, Italians Mark World War II Anniversary
Victory in Europe on 8 May 1945 60th Anniversary of World War II
Eyewitness to History: Recollections of VE Day 1945  
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