M22-4, Part IV Transmittal History

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV

October 15, 2007

Part IV, "Claims Processing—Award Issues,"  Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

      Paragraph 1.02a is updated to indicate what forms are considered enrollment certifications.  It clarifies that schools must report enrollments without delay with one exception for certain independent study courses.

      Paragraph 1.02b deletes the requirement to control the case for receipt of an enrollment certification if a verbal certification is received from a school official.  E-mails from school officials must be submitted through RightNowWeb.

      Paragraph 1.03 now refers the reader to chapter 4 for change of program procedures.  An individual must request a change of program but not a change of school. This change continues the policy announced in RPO letter 22-99-24, paragraph 4c which is rescinded.  The policy advisory dated March 6, 2003 is also rescinded. 

      Paragraph 1.04 now shows that the procedures for temporary changes of school are moved to paragraph 1.09.

      Paragraph 1.06a is revised to remove requirements to use the telephone to obtain information from schools.  This change continues the policy announced in RPO letter 22-99-24, paragraph 4 which is rescinded.  Station management may determine the appropriate method needed to obtain information.  Use of email to contact schools is not acceptable unless security requirements are met.  Schools may use RightNowWeb to submit information to VA. 

      Paragraph 1.08a gives RPOs discretion regarding notice to schools when benefits will not be paid for individual cases.  RPO letter 22-07-01, attachment A, paragraph 7 is rescinded. 

      Paragraph 1.08b deletes the requirement to control the case for receipt of a notice of change of status if a verbal certification as to change of status is received from a school official. 

      Paragraph 1.08c deletes the requirement to send an application to the claimant if the RPO receives an enrollment certification from the school without an application.   Such enrollment certifications may be filed without action. 

      Paragraph 1.09 updates the procedures which apply to supplemental enrollment.  Subparagraph a is updated to show that the RPO having jurisdiction over the primary school will retain jurisdiction over any education award action(s).  Paragraph 1.09b(3) deletes the requirement that an instructor at a contract school or entity must not be a full-time faculty member of the primary school.  Paragraph 1.09d is updated to provide that a supplemental school may certify that it has the necessary "parent school letter" on file for concurrent enrollments. RPO letter 22-07-01, attachment A, paragraph 2 is rescinded. 

      Paragraph 1.10b is updated to require schools to certify the beginning and ending dates of each term the student is enrolled in.  The previous policy permitted schools to certify multiple terms as one enrollment in some instances.  The policy advisory dated October 4, 2007 is rescinded. 

      Paragraph 1.11 is updated to include a NOTE that rounding out of terms is allowable for NCD (Non-College Degree) schools operating on a term, block or unit basis.

      Paragraph 1.15 includes a note that the procedures for monitoring prior credit reports on enrollment certifications apply only to non-accredited schools.   The policy advisory dated June 15, 2007 is rescinded. A note is added that VCEs still must develop for possible change of program in accordance with chapter 4. 

      Paragraph 1.15a(2) clarifies that the change of program issue should be developed separately from the prior credit issue.  It is not necessary to review for possible change of program based solely on a prior credit report.  RPO letter 22-07-01, attachment C, paragraph 4 is rescinded. 

      Paragraph 1.15b(1)(b), Note clarifies when development is required in cases where the school reports prior credit is Pending. 

      Paragraph 1.16b is reorganized.  It clarifies that VCEs should review calendar data in WEAMS to verify enrollment dates except for courses certified by IHLs that have been exempted from approval review.

      Paragraph 1.16c provides a new policy based on an RPO recommendation.  VCEs will no longer examine the length of NCD programs as certified by schools.  The policy advisory dated September 18, 2007 is rescinded. 

      Paragraph 1.16Ab clarifies how the commencement rules are to be interpreted.  The rule that VA can pay no earlier than one year before the date of claim applies only to initial entry into a program of education or entry into a a new program which is a "change of program" in the legal sense.  The one-year rule would not apply to reentry in the same program or to a change of major which does not constitute a change of program.   The examples are updated.

      Paragraph 1.22 is updated to address requests for accelerated payment.
      Paragraphs 1.25e and f are updated to clarify when the first 6-month rate is payable and when the second or subsequent 6-month steps are payable for OJT or apprenticeship awards.  The policy advisory dated June 17, 2005 is rescinded.

      Paragraphs 1.26 clarifies when the school certifying the enrollment should also provide a separate address of a contractor or branch location and what the VCE must do. 

      Paragraph 1.27a revises and simplifies the confirmed enrollment procedures.  RPO letter 22-07-1, attachment B, paragraph 2 and 3 are rescinded.  Confirmation of enrollment is no longer required.  Subparagraph b updates procedures for schools to delay reporting enrollments for independent study pursued at less than 1/2 time.  Subparagraph c clarifies that faxed paper enrollment certification forms are acceptable. 

      Paragraph 1.29 lists all the terms used for non-matriculation.

      Paragraphs 1.30 and 1.33 are reserved for future use.

      Paragraph 1.34 is updated to clarify the certifications needed when a student is not matriculated and two schools are involved. 

       Numerous editorial changes have been made throughout.   Brackets  [  ] have not been used to identify new or revised material.

      Rescissions:  M22-4, part IV, changes 18 and 19.             


By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

Keith M. Wilson
                  Director, Education Service

Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 28
November 5, 2004

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Paragraphs 2.02a, 2.02b, and 2.02c are revised to clarify the timeframe that is used to determine the validity of a medical certificate and to update medical certificate procedures.

Brackets have been used to identify new or revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        JACK McCOY

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution: ARMS     


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 27
March 8, 2001

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii through v: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii through v attached.

Pages 11-i and 11-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 11-i and 11-ii attached.

Pages 11-1 through 11-39: Remove these pages and substitute pages 11-1 through 11-42 attached.

This chapter is retitled and reorganized to include procedures for increasing training time.

Paragraphs 11.03 through 11.05 are revised to include chapter 1606 system information.

Paragraph 11.06 is reorganized to include an overview. Subparagraph b summarizes the legislation pertaining to mitigating circumstances and related issues.

Paragraph 11.07c reemphasizes the procedure requiring development for mitigating circumstances and supporting evidence when the school reports on VA Form 22 1999b that the student has mitigating circumstances. The temporary deviation from this procedure given in VBA letter 22-96-5, paragraph 5, is withdrawn.

Paragraph 11.08b includes a NOTE covering how to handle when a school reports termination because of nonpayment of tuition and fees but the student is permitted to continue in attendance. Terminate educational benefits when the student actually terminates attending. If the student is still allowed to attend, do not terminate benefits.

Paragraph 11.08c is revised to state that schools do not have to report changes in hours that do not change full time training.

Paragraph 11.08d is revised to state that a school can report the change of hours using many different means, such as letter, telephone, fax, or electronic means.

Paragraph 11.09 is updated to reflect the TIMS environment.

Paragraph 11.11 is totally revised to require that overpayments be immediately established whenever a school reports a reduction or termination of school attendance and does not submit information or evidence of mitigating circumstances with the report of reduction or termination. This is a change in procedures. There has been no change in the regulation governing effective dates. The rules stated in paragraph 11.10, based on the regulation, are unchanged.

Paragraph 11.11a is also revised to cross reference part III, paragraph 8.03A when the notice of change is received from the student and not the school. Also, a NOTE is added which says that if the exact drop period is not readily available, to assume a drop period of 30 days. Paragraph 4 of VBA letter 22-96-5 is rescinded.

Paragraph 11.12 is revised to reflect revised mitigating circumstances procedures given in paragraph 11.11.

Paragraph 11.14b is revised to require the RPOs to adjust a claimant's master record when there is no change of hours within a given training time only if the claimant receives a monthly certification. RPOs will take a supplemental end product when adjusting the master record in these situations. RPOs will take an end product 930 for adjusting the master record for these hours if the claimant does not receive a monthly certification. Paragraph 6 of VBA letter 22-96-5 is rescinded.

Paragraph 11.19a is revised to update mitigating circumstances examples.

Paragraph 11.20 is updated to reflect the current chapter 1606 system. It also refers to the new fields on the chapter 30 and 1606 M21 and 312 screens pertaining to the date the 6-hour exclusion was granted.

Paragraph 11.24 reflects current check intercept procedures.

Paragraph 11.29 is updated to emphasize the fact that the "Persian Gulf Era" provisions will continue until ended by Presidential proclamation or legislation.

Paragraph 11.38 is revised to provide current Exchange mailbox addresses.

Paragraph 11.39 adds procedures for increasing benefits.

References to Target are updated to BDN.

References to chapter 106 are updated to chapter 1606.

Brackets have been used to identify new or revised material.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, part IV, changes 4 and 23.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 26
July 6, 2000

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Page 5-i: Remove this page and substitute page 5-i attached.

Pages 5-1 through 5-8: Remove these pages and substitute pages 5-1 through 5-7 attached.

Paragraph 5.01 adds a NOTE to state that schools can choose different ways to submit reports of unsatisfactory attendance, progress, or conduct. School officials can use a printed form (VA Form 22-1999 or 22-1999b), VACERT, or VAnetCert (when available).

Paragraph 5.02: This paragraph references part IX, chapter 2 for an explanation of required standards of attendance, progress, and conduct. Duplicate information and other procedures not needed have been removed. Paragraph 5.02b includes a NOTE that if necessary, schools should forward any application forms if the enrollment information after unsatisfactory progress is submitted via VACERT or VAnetCert (when available). The requirement in the previous version of paragraph 5.02f(2) that the first enrollment certification for the new school or program must contain certain documentation is removed.

Paragraph 5.02A is added to include information currently in paragraphs 11.28 and 13.15. This information will be removed from chapters 11 and 13 by future changes.

Paragraph 5.03: This paragraph includes a NOTE that these procedures also apply when a claimant's progress is unsatisfactory under one benefit and elects to another benefit program. It includes PCGL letter information. It cross references part III, paragraph 5.07 which requests RPOs to send counseling request information directly to the VR&E Division having jurisdiction over the claimant's address.

Paragraph 5.05: This paragraph states that the Education Division should refer any evidence received from the claimant or school (such as printed copies of aptitude test results, percentile rankings, etc.) to the VR&E Division at the RPO (Regional Processing Office). This paragraph clarifies that it is only when a student resumes training and changes his or her program that it is necessary to determine if there is a reasonable likelihood that the new program will not be interrupted.

Paragraph 5.07: This paragraph includes a NOTE that if the claimant requests a personal hearing on this issue, the regional office having jurisdiction over the claimant's address will hold the hearing.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material. This change updates the Adjudication Division to the Education Division for processing education claims. Chapter 106 is updated to chapter 1606. VR&C is updated to VR&E.

RESCISSION: M22-4, Part IV, change 22.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 25
June 28, 2000

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 12-i and 12-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 12-i and 12-ii attached.

Pages 12-1 through 12-31: Remove these pages and substitute pages 12-1 through 12-26 attached.

Paragraph 12.02 showing types of cases requiring out-of-system awards is updated and clarified.

All figures are updated.

References to chapter 106 are updated to chapter 1606, except where referring to a BDN screen.

References to Target are updated to BDN. Copies of forms are changed to representations of forms.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 24
June 24, 2000

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Pages 3-i through 3-5: Remove these pages and substitute pages 3-i through 3-6 attached.

Paragraph 3.01c has been modified to update procedures concerning reviewing each potential education data base to detect and prevent duplicate payments.

Paragraph 3.02b has been reserved for future use. Information concerning SMOCTA (The Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training Act of 1992) has been deleted as this program expired on January 31, 2000.

Paragraph 3.02e is expanded to include specific elections between benefits.

Paragraph 3.05c is added to include information on the adjusting of awards in different stations.

Paragraph 3.06c is modified to refer to the appropriate regulation
(38 CFR 21.3024). This regulation is self explanatory concerning chapter 35 benefits and benefits from the Office of Workers' Compensation.

Paragraph 3.07 has been revised to update information on the duplication of payment of VA benefits.

References to Target are updated to BDN.

References to chapter 106 are updated to chapter 1606.

Brackets [ ] are used to identify new or revised material.

RESCISSION: M22-4, Part IV, change 1.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 23
November 12, 1999

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 11-i and 11-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 11-i and 11-ii attached.

Pages 11-17 through 11-24: Remove these pages and substitute pages 11-17 through 11-24 attached.

Paragraph 11.14b is revised to have RPOs amend a claimant's master record if he or she reports revised credit hours that do not affect training time on a monthly certification form. RPOs get a supplemental end product for any award. This provision is changed to not only provide better service to these claimants but allow future certification forms to be automatically input by using a wand system to read the bar code. RPO letter 22-96-5, paragraph 6 is reversed.

Paragraph 11.17 clarifies when the 6-credit exclusion does not apply. Paragraph 11.17a(4) is revised to include a NOTE that RPOs should use discretion in applying exceptions when the 6-credit exclusion does not apply. Previously, procedures stated that the 6-credit hour exclusion did not apply any time that a student withdraws from a course and there is no change in the student's training time for VA purposes. These procedures did not take into account that servicepersons receive reimbursement for tuition and fees. When a serviceperson withdraws from any hours, even within the same training time, there is a reduction in the total amount of tuition and fees payable. The adjustment of hours would create an overpayment due to the reduction of the tuition and fees. RPOs should apply the 6-credit hour exclusion in these type of cases and not create an overpayment.

Paragraph 11.19 is revised to clarify that the 6-credit exclusion applies to 6 graduate credits or to 6 accelerated semester or quarter hours regardless of the training time. This revision is for application retroactively to June 1, 1989. However, no general review of cases is contemplated. RPOs should apply these revised procedures from this point forward (from the date of this change) and in cases as they are encountered where the student raises this issue.

Paragraph 11.22 is expanded to include reference to the Training Guide 22-99-3 for the Personal Computer Generated Letter System.

Paragraph 11.23 is revised to update examples.

Paragraph 11.24 is revised to include updated check intercept procedures.

Figure 11.01 showing VA Form 20-8854, Mailgram - Intercept and Recall of a Benefit Check is deleted. This form uses obsolete technology. (The table of contents is updated to show that this figure is reserved for future use.)

References to chapter 106 are updated to chapter 1606.

References to Target are updated to BDN.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 22
October 14, 1999

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 12-5 through 12-12: Remove these pages and substitute pages 12-5 through 12-12 attached.

Based on RPO recommendations, we have deleted the two signature requirement for out-of-system award actions. This chapter is now consistent with part III, paragraph 1.32, as to single signature requirements.

Paragraph 12.10b(23) deletes the two signature requirement for VA Form 22-1992.

Paragraph 12.11b(33) deletes the two signature requirement for VA Form 22-1997.

Paragraph 12.12b(20) deletes the two signature requirement for VA Form 22-8046.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new and revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 21
August 30, 1999

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 2-1 and 2-2: Remove these pages and substitute pages 2-1 and 2-2 attached.

Paragraph 2.02b(4) is revised to delete the requirement for students to have the proper medical certificate “continuously during” training. Public Law 105-368, the Veterans Program Enhancement Act of 1998, eliminated the requirement that the student had to have the proper medical certificate while pursuing training.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new and revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 20
July 26, 1999

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 2-1 and 2-2: Remove these pages and substitute pages 2-1 and 2-2 attached.

Paragraph 2.03a(1) is revised to eliminate the prohibition on approval of combination commercial and instrument rating courses. The Federal Aviation Administration has informed the Education Service that their Flight Standards District Offices are continuing to approve combination courses under the revised Federal Aviation Regulations part 141.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new and revised material.

RESCISSION: RPO Letter 22-97-6.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 19
June 16, 1999

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Page 1-i and 1-ii: Remove this page and substitute pages 1-i and 1-ii attached.

Pages 1-9 through 1-16: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-9 through 1-16b attached.

Paragraph 1.12 is revised for consistency with the September 1998 version of VA Form 22-1999.

Paragraph 1.13a is revised for clarity. Paragraph 1.13b now says it is preferable to call schools if the type of training cannot be determined.

Paragraph 1.14 is revised for clarity and now includes a cross reference to part III, chapter 6, if program approval is an issue. Paragraph 1.14a(1) now says it is preferable to call schools if the name of the student's program cannot be determined.

Paragraph 1.15 incorporates the changes in prior credit instructions provided by RPO letter 22-98-23.

Paragraph 1.16b incorporates paragraph 3 of RPO letter 22-96-5 which stated that adjudicators should ordinarily accept the beginning and ending dates certified by IHLs without review of OLAF data. The example in paragraph 1.16c is moved for clarity.

A paragraph 1.16A is added which gives a paraphrased version of new commencement date regulations which were effective June 3, 1999. The new regulations apply to claims received on and after June 3, 1999, and to claims that were pending on June 3, 1999, (including claims that had been decided but the one-year appeal period had not expired yet by that date). The new regulations establish uniform rules for all benefit programs. The date of receipt of enrollment certification is no longer an issue in determining the proper commencement date for benefits.

Paragraph 1.17a is revised to state that schools may certify less than the total number of credit hours a student is enrolled in at the student's request. Paragraph 1.17d adds a cross reference for cases involving tuition assistance.

Paragraph 1.19a. The requirement to report total charges when the student is taking independent study is deleted.

Paragraph 1.22b describes how advance payment requests are documented on enrollment certifications received through VACERT.

Paragraph 1.25b is changed to reflect that in some states VA approves apprenticeship and other on-the-job training. Paragraph 1.25e clarifies that it is not a change of program to change employers with the same objective even if there is a material loss of credit.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material.

RESCISSIONS: Circular 22-94-4; all station letters 22-96-2 and 22-96-14; RPO letters 22-96-5, paragraph 3,
22-97-21, 22-98-11 and 22-98-23

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 18
September 25, 1998

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 1-i, 1-ii, and 1-11 through 1-18: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-i and 1-ii and 1-11 through 1 18 attached.

Paragraph 1.16c is added to address the situation when an NCD (Non-College Degree) program is certified for more hours than are shown in the approval record on OLAF (On-Line Approval File).

Paragraph 1.27 on confirmed enrollments has not been changed to incorporate the deviation on RPO Letter 22-95-6, Interim Manual Deviations, dated July 30, 1996. However, this should not be construed as a rescission of the deviation.

Numerous sentences have been revised to change 106 to 1606 and to make other changes required by the completion of regionalized claims processing and consolidation of liaison and compliance survey activities under the CELO (Chief Education Liaison Officer) at each RPO (Regional Processing Office).

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new material. Other minor editorial changes have been made to improve clarity are not in brackets.

RESCISSION: M22-4, part IV, change 3.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 17
September 17, 1998

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Pages 13-i and 13-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-i to 13-iii attached. Information concerning the rescission of circular 22-97-1, paragraph 2 is added from change 12. Information concerning the rescission of circular 22 93-3, paragraph 4 is added from change 13.

Pages 13-1 through 13-43: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-1 through 13-46 attached.

Paragraph 13.01: This paragraph is updated with information concerning EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer). Currently only chapter 30 can have benefits transferred electronically into a claimant's checking or savings account.

Paragraph 13.02: Paragraph 13.02a is updated to include an instruction that dictated letters should not include phrases designed to spare a claimant's feelings. It is also updated to include the requirements set in the President's memorandum of June 1, 1998 that letters use plain language. This means that dictated letters must have logical organization, easy to read features and use common everyday words, the active voice and short sentences.

Paragraph 13.22: This paragraph is updated to include information about checks one year old.

Paragraph 13.24: This paragraph is updated to include a NOTE about not communicating with a VA claimant concerning a fee agreement except through the District Counsel.

Paragraphs 13.25 through 13.34 are reprinted only to show changes in pagination. There is no substantive change in the content of any of these paragraphs.

References to Target have been updated to BDN if not changed previously. References to chapter 106 are updated to chapter 1606, if not changed previously and if not shown in the name of a BDN screen.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, Part IV, changes 5, 6 and 10.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 16
August 25, 1998

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Page 2-i: Remove this page and insert page 2-i attached.

The titles and page numbers of paragraphs 2.03 through 2.11 are changed. Page numbers for paragraphs 2.12 through 2.17 are changed. New paragraph 2.16 is added and former paragraph 2.16 is renumbered as 2.17.

Pages 2-1 through 2-9: Remove these pages and insert pages 2-1 through 2-11 attached.

Paragraph 2.02a and the NOTE following 2.02b are revised to show the current Federal Aviation Administration terminology.

Paragraph 2.02b is reorganized for clarity. Subparagraph (3) is added to show that students enrolling in ground instructor courses do not need second-class medical certificates.

The NOTE following paragraph 2.02b(4) is revised to include VA Form 22-1999-4, Enrollment Certification – Flight Training, generated by the Windows version of VACERT, the electronic education certification program.

Paragraph 2.02c is revised to delete the item numbers for VA Form 22-6553c, Monthly Certification of Flight Training, to allow for future revisions and to include VA Form 22-6553c-1, Monthly Certification of Flight Training, generated by the Windows version of VACERT.

Paragraph 2.03 is added to provide information about individual flight courses. The subsequent paragraphs are renumbered.

Paragraph 2.04a is revised to delete the item numbers for VA Form 22-1999 and to include VA Form 22-1999-4.

The NOTE following paragraph 2.04b(3) is changed to show that approval questions for Education Liaison Representatives should be routed through the Chief Education Liaison Officers at the Regional Processing Offices.

Paragraph 2.05a(2) is revised to show that a student enrolling in a commercial pilot certification course under Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 141 Revised, must have an instrument rating or be concurrently enrolled in an instrument rating course.

The NOTE following paragraph 2.05b(1) is deleted.

NOTE 2 following paragraph 2.05b(6) is changed to show that program questions for Education Liaison Representatives should be routed through the Chief Education Liaison Officers at the Regional Processing Offices.

Paragraph 2.08 is revised to cover former military pilots who are already qualified for their objectives and refresher training.

Paragraph 2.09 is deleted.

Paragraph 2.10 is reorganized for clarity. References to subparagraphs 2.02a and b and 2.03(a)(2) are added.

Paragraph 2.11b is added to include the requirement for the Regional Processing Offices to provide copies of flight training awards to Education Liaison Representatives for compliance surveys.

Paragraph 2.11c is revised to include VA Form 22-6553c-1.

Throughout subchapter I there are numerous references to flight schools. These references are changed to include flight training centers approved under the Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 142.

Paragraph 2.14a is revised to delete the item numbers for VA Form 22-1999 to allow for future revisions.

Paragraph 2.14b is revised to show that correspondence school approval information is in OLAF. The Note following paragraph 2.14b is deleted.

Paragraph 2.16 is added to incorporate the information contained in VBA Letter 22-98-24.

The former paragraph 2.16 is changed to paragraph 2.17.

RESCISSIONS: M22-4, part IV, change 7, and VBA Letter 22-98-24.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 15
April 15, 1998

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Page 7-i: Remove this page and substitute page 7-i attached.

Pages 7-1 through 7-13: Remove these pages and substitute pages 7-1 through 7-10 attached.

This is a complete rewrite of the instructions for measuring nondegree courses. Changes from Public Law 102-568 as described in Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 8, are included. This chapter does not include instructions for training which occurred before July 1, 1993. For the prior rules, consult the September 1992 version of this chapter.

Paragraph 7.10. The cooperative training paragraph is rewritten to incorporate changes from Public Laws 104-275 and 105-114. The practice of permitting students to elect to receive payment for only the institutional training part of a cooperative program is discontinued. Cooperative programs require full-time pursuit. If a student is less than full time in a cooperative program, no benefits are payable.

Because of the extensive nature of this change, brackets [] have not been used to identify new material except on the Rescissions page.

RESCISSIONS: Change 11 and Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 8.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 14
March 4, 1998

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached. (Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 4 was rescinded by M22-4, part IV, change 13. This information is included on page iv.)

Page 9-i: Remove this page and substitute page 9-i attached.

Pages 9-1 through 9-11: Remove these pages and substitute pages 9-1 through 9-5 attached.

Paragraph 9.01 is revised to state the general rule that dependency is the same under compensation and education benefits. Basically, if a veteran qualifies for additional compensation due to having one or more dependents, he or she may receive additional education benefits for the same dependent(s). A NOTE is added that if there is any conflict between M21-1, part III, chapter 6, and these education procedures, stations should use the procedures in M21 1.

Paragraph 9.02 is updated to refer to the proper compensation and pension regulations.

Paragraph 9.03 is updated to reflect establishment of dependents without documentary evidence. Normally, VA will accept a statement from a veteran as to the facts surrounding marriage or the birth of a child.

Paragraph 9.03 also states the general rule that dependency evidence requirements are the same under compensation and education benefits. Basically, if the evidence that a veteran submits to qualify for additional compensation benefits would qualify him or her for additional compensation benefits, he or she should not have to submit any additional evidence to qualify for additional education benefits. RPOs should review BDN if the veteran's records show that he or she qualifies to receive additional compensation for dependents. RPOs can automatically add any dependent for which the veteran is receiving additional compensation as he or she would have already submitted appropriate evidence.

Paragraph 9.04 is revised to address establishment of dependents with documentary evidence.

Paragraph 9.05 is revised to address complicated domestic relations issues.

Paragraph 9.06 is revised to address the requirement to furnish the social security number for a veteran's dependents. Certain exceptions are extracted from M21-1, part III, paragraph 7.03.

Paragraph 9.07 updates the confirmation of dependency procedures.

The information previously contained in paragraphs 9.04, 9.05, and 9.06 has been added to part V, chapter 8 by change 13 dated December 10, 1997.

"Target" has been updated to "BDN" (Benefits Delivery Network). References to "chapter 106" are updated to "chapter 1606." Brackets [ ] have not been used to identify new material

RESCISSION: M22-4, part IV, change 2.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
Erratum for M22-4, Part IV
Change 13
March 2, 1998

Change 13, dated March 2, 1998, to Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," of M22-4, "Education Procedures," is corrected as follows:

Line 15: Transmittal page. Delete Paragraph "4.08” and insert “4.09.”

Line 16: Transmittal page. Delete Paragraph “4.09” and insert “4.08.”

Page 4-i: Contents:

Line 9: Under Paragraph: Delete “4.08” and insert “4.09.” Under Page: Delete “4-3” and insert “4-4.”

Line 10: Under Paragraph: Delete “4.09” and insert “4.08.” Under Page: Delete “4-4” and insert “4-3.”

Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 13
March 2, 1998

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iv: paragraph 3: After Circular 22-93-3, add paragraph "4."

Page 4-i: Remove this page and substitute page 4-i attached.

Pages 4-1 through 4-9: Remove these pages and substitute pages 4-1 through 4-8 attached.

NOTE: This is a complete revision of this chapter and brackets [ ] have not been used to indicate changes.

Paragraph 4.05 reinstates the procedure requiring development in all cases whenever there is a change of program and the previous program was terminated by the school because of unsatisfactory attendance, progress, or conduct. The temporary deviation from this procedure given in all station letter 22-96-5, paragraph 8, is withdrawn.

Paragraph 4.06 lists other areas in the manual that mention change of program.

Paragraph 4.07 defines change of program and explains the five situations that are not changes of program.

Paragraph 4.08 clarifies the meaning of "material loss of credit."

Paragraph 4.09 addresses what happens when there are multiple benefits.

Paragraph 4.10 explains when development is necessary to determine if a change of program has occurred.

Paragraph 4.11 explains the various ways a student may apply for a change of program. An application from the student is always required. An enrollment certification is considered an informal request for a change of program or place of training. However, a formal request is still required.

Paragraph 4.12 explains how the commencement date rules in the regulations affect change of program.

Paragraphs 4.13 and 4.14 explain the restrictions on changes of program.

Paragraph 4.15 explains when development is necessary to determine the suitability of a proposed program or to determine if the student will likely overcome problems that caused the interruption of the last program. This paragraph encourages adjudicators to make determinations of suitability based on the evidence of record and to minimize development to the extent possible.

Paragraph 4.16 clarifies the role of VR&C divisions in determining suitability of programs.

Paragraph 4.17 explains how to notify claimants of change of program decisions.

RESCISSION: Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 4.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 12
November 5, 1997

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Page 6-i: Remove this page and substitute pages 6-i and 6-ii attached.

Pages 6-1 through 6-15: Remove these pages and substitute pages 6-1 through 6-28 attached.

This is a complete rewrite of the IHL measurement chapter. Changes from Public
Law 102-568 as described in Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 8, are included. Material in effect before July 1, 1993, has been deleted. Brackets [] have not been used in the text to identify new material.

Paragraph 6.06c clarifies that fractional credit hours are dropped except that a fraction of less than one credit will be rounded up to one credit.

Paragraphs 6.07 and 6.08 clarify when it is necessary to consult OLAF regarding approval of independent study and noncredit courses. Adjudicators should routinely review OLAF only if the school does not appear on the IHLs Exempt from Review listing.

Paragraph 6.09 clarifies that effective October 9, 1996, open circuit TV is considered a form of independent study.

Paragraph 6.11 and 6.12 clarify that in measuring concurrent enrollments fractions are not dropped until the final result is obtained.

RESCISSION: Circular 22-97-1, paragraph 2.

By Direction of the Acting Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 11
July 8, 1997

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute pages iii and iv attached.

Page iii as shown in change 9 showed circular 22-92-14. This is corrected to show circular 20-92-14.

Page 7-i: Remove this page and substitute page 7-i attached.

Pages 7-11 and 7-12: Remove these pages and substitute pages 7-11, 7-12 and 7-12a attached.

Paragraph 7.08 is updated to reflect Public Law 104-275 changes. Before the enactment of Public Law 104 275, effective October 9, 1996, the cooperative rates were 80% of the institutional rate for full time training. PL 104-275 abolished this special cooperative rate. Effective October 9, 1996, cooperative training is paid at 100% of the institutional rate for full-time training. This rate applies to both the work-experience and the academic phases of cooperative training. An exception is chapter 30, category II cases. This public law merely reduced the difference between the cooperative rate and the residence rate for category II. Regional processing offices will automatically pay the cooperative rate for an entire cooperative cycle to category II veterans but advise the veterans with their options (allow them to elect the institutional rate if he or she chooses). Specific chapter 30 rates are shown in circular 22-97-1 and change 10 to part V.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material.

RESCISSION: Circular 22-97-1, paragraph 3e.

By Direction of the Acting Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 10
December 11, 1996

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Paragraph 1: Add M22-4, part IV, changes 8 and 9.

Pages 13-i and 13-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-i to 13-iii attached.

Pages 13-27 through 13-43: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-27 through 13-41 attached.

Paragraph 13.23: This paragraph is deleted because there is no longer a requirement that large education payments be verified before release. Previously, all education payments in excess of $2,500 required verification by Finance. Recent research has shown that errors on large payments do not exceed the acceptable rate of errors for all payments. The additional review in Finance is not necessary.

Awards in excess of $4,000 will still require three signatures on authorization. This point is covered in a separate change to part I, paragraph 1.32.

Paragraphs 13.24 through 13.34 are reprinted only to show changes in pagination. There is no substantive change in the content of any of these paragraphs.

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material.

RESCISSION: Changes 8 and 9.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 9
October 1, 1996

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Pages 13-i and 13-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-i through 13-iii attached.

Page 13-33: Remove this page and substitute pages 13-33 through 13-43 attached.

Paragraph 13.27 covers the distribution of BDN letters to powers of attorney and provides special procedures for cases affected by the Leo v. Brown case. In the case of Leo v. Brown, the Court of Veterans Appeals determined that if the claimant designates a specific office or individual of a service organization, VA is required to mail copies of all correspondence to the specific office or individual. (Leo had appointed the Greenville, South Carolina office of the American Legion as the power of attorney.) Currently, BDN cannot send copies of letters for a power of attorney if a claimant appoints a specific office or individual as the power of attorney. Until BDN is modified or the Leo v. Brown decision is overturned, follow the procedures specified in this paragraph.

Subchapter VIII specifies procedures for payment of attorney fees from past-due education benefits. Additional information is in M21-1, part III, chapter 12, subchapter III.

RESCISSION: Circular 20-92-14, Appendix A, paragraphs 4 through 7 and 9.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 8
March 12, 1996

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 13-i and 13-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-i and 13-ii attached.

Pages 13-27 through 13-30: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-27 through 13-30 attached.

Paragraph 13.22: This paragraph is deleted. The provisions of the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Control Act have not been applied to education benefit processing for approximately six years.

Paragraph 13.23: This paragraph is changed based on the increase in the check verification limit for 10 U.S.C. chapter 1606. The limit is increased from $1,000 to $2,500. It is now the same for all education benefits (i.e.,
chapters 30, 32, 35, and 1606, sections 901 and 903, and the Antiterrorism Act of 1986).

Brackets [ ] have been used to identify new or revised material.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 7
January 18, 1996

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page 2-i: Remove this page and insert page 2-i attached.

The titles of paragraphs 2.11 and 2.16 are corrected.

Pages 2-1 through 2-9: Remove these pages and insert pages 2-1 through 2-9 attached.

Paragraph 2.01 is amended to remove the paragraphs on Public Laws 101–237 and 102–16. This information is contained in part I, chapter 1.

Paragraph 2.02b is amended to show that a first-class medical certificate is only valid for an additional 6 months as a second-class medical certificate.

Paragraph 2.02c is added to cover processing claims received with VA Form 22-6553c. Monthly Certification of Flight Training.

Paragraphs 2.02c and d are changed to paragraphs 2.02d and e.

Paragraph 2.03b is amended to reflect the addition of flight school approval records in OLAF (On-Line Approval File).

Paragraph 2.09a is amended to add solo flight training. The NOTE following the paragraph is eliminated.

Paragraph 2.09d is added to cover completion of courses.

Paragraph 2.11 is amended by correcting the title and inserting the correct name of the monthly certification of flight training.

Paragraph 2.16 is amended by correcting the title and inserting the correct name of the quarterly certification of lessons completed.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 6
November 23, 1994

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Pages 13-i and 13-ii: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-i and 13-ii attached.

Pages 13-1 and 13-2: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-1 through 13-2 attached.

Paragraph 13.01b specifies procedures for returned correspondence.

Page 13-29: Remove this page and substitute pages 13-29 through 13-33 attached.

Subchapter VII specifies power of attorney procedures.

Paragraph 13.24 gives power of attorney references.

Paragraph 13.25 specifies power of attorney procedures on BIRLS and the different education benefit master records.

Paragraph 13.26 specifies procedures for private attorneys who represent VA claimants and the attorney states that VA is not to communicate with his or her client (VA claimant). SEE M21-1, PART III, CHAPTER 12 FOR THE GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR PRIVATE ATTORNEYS WHO REPRESENT VA CLAIMANTS (AND EXCEPTIONS TO THE GENERAL PROCEDURES). The procedures specified in this paragraph are only effective if an attorney files a restricted declaration of representation specifying education benefits or if VA has advised an attorney that the restriction on communications applies to education benefits. Special procedures are given if the claimant is required to complete verifications of attendance or certifications of attendance as these must be mailed directly to the attorney. Figure 13.05 gives suggested text to inform the attorney and claimant of the ramifications of sending the periodic certifications to the attorney for the claimant. If the attorney (or the claimant) does not submit any protest concerning the delay caused by sending the certification to the attorney, accept the restrictive power of attorney and send all certifications to the attorney for the claimant.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 5
November 23, 1994

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Pages 13-13 through 13-18: Remove these pages and substitute pages 13-13 through 13-18 attached.

Paragraph 13.15 is reorganized to clarify procedures for providing due process in cases requiring disallowance, reduction, or termination.

The first NOTE in paragraph 13.15c is amended to add a cross reference to part III, chapter 9, for programs that are not approved and programs that are not approvable.

Paragraph 13.15d is amended to provide information for generated reduction, termination, and disallowance letters. The interim chapter 106 Target system does not generate disallowance letters.

Paragraph 13.15h is amended to allow use of the Target 205 screen to develop for mitigating circumstances for all benefits except chapter 106. The interim chapter 106 system does not allow access to the Target 205 screen. Regional offices must continue to use Form Letter 22 899 to develop for mitigating circumstances in chapter 106 cases.

RESCISSION: Circular 22-92-13, paragraph 7.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 4
June 30, 1994

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Page iii: Remove this page and substitute page iii attached.

Page 11-i: Remove this page and substitute chapter 11 attached.

Paragraph 11.01 defines the scope of this chapter.

Paragraph 11.02 covers the administrative error issue.

Paragraphs 11.03 through 11.05 provide documentation on certain aspects of computer processing of terminations and reductions.

Paragraph 11.06 gives the full definition of "drop period," "audited course," "nonpunitive grade," and "punitive grade."

Paragraph 11.07. The definition of "mitigating circumstances" and the examples are revised for consistency with current regulations.

Paragraph 11.08b. A reference is given for determining the "last date of attendance." It is clarified that a school may not report the first date of the term as the last date of attendance if contrary to the facts.

Paragraph 11.08c. FAX and electronic (VACERT) notices of enrollment changes from the school are added as acceptable.

Paragraph 11.09. The 2-day rule for processing forms 22-1999b is replaced by the rule from the MEPPS waiver on this topic described in Circular 22-92-13, paragraph 6. Separate rules are given for cases requiring monthly certification and those that do not require monthly certification.

Paragraph 11.10. The rules for determining effective dates for reduction or termination of benefits are updated and clarified.

Paragraph 11.10c. Instructions are clarified for handling reductions and terminations from NCD (Non-College Degree) courses not operated on a term, quarter or semester basis. If NCD courses are offered on a term basis, they are handled like any other courses on a term basis as described in subparagraph 11.10b. Courses on a block or unit basis have their own special rule. Also, courses not on a term, block or unit basis have their own special rule.

Paragraph 11.12b(3). The requirement to ask the school if an "I" is still in effect at the end of the one-year diary is deleted. The new procedure permits Adjudication to assume that the "I" grade remains in effect unless notified otherwise by the school.

Paragraph 11.13 clarifies how reductions in less than 1/2 time cases are handled if benefits are based on the proration of tuition and fees.

Paragraph 11.14b requires that the claimant's record be updated to reflect a change in credit hours even if a reported change in hours does not affect training time.

Paragraph 11.17b. Clarifies that the 6-credit exclusion may be taken one time only for each student even if the student trains under more than one benefit program.

Paragraph 11.20. Required documentation on awards shorted to "6-credit excl. granted."

Paragraph 11.23. An example is added to clarify how to handle the 6-credit hour exclusion when deficiency courses are involved in chapter 35 cases.

Paragraph 11.24b(2). The STO is no longer required to place informational messages regarding check intercept cut-off dates on the Target system. The Wang or another system may be used for this purpose.

Paragraph 11.24 and 11.25 provide that check intercept procedures be attempted for non-recurring payments if there is a likelihood of success based on the facts.

Paragraph 11.27. Procedures for making accrued payments are updated for all education benefits. The procedure for handling advance payments in death cases is included from Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 10.

Paragraphs 11.29 through 11.38 include provisions from Persian Gulf War legislation that affect the processing of reductions and terminations. These provisions were in Circular 22-92-9.

RESCISSIONS: Interim Issue 22-90-1; M22-2, Part IV, Chapter 6, paragraphs 6.01 through 6.09 and 6.11 through 6.14 (this completes the rescission of Part IV); Circular 22-88-5; Circular 20-89-10, paragraph 9 and Change 5; Circular 20-89-10, Appendix C; Circular 20-90-9, paragraph 10; Circular 22-92-9, paragraphs 1 through 9 and 11 through 14 and Change 1 (this completes the rescission of Circular 22-92-9); Circular 22-92-13, paragraph 6; Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 10.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 3
June 14, 1994

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 1-15 through 1-18: Remove these pages and substitute pages 1-15 through 1-18 attached.

Paragraph 1.27 has been revised to clarify confirmed enrollment requirements.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 2
September 14, 1994

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages 9-1 through 9-4: Remove these pages and substitute pages 9-1 through 9-4 attached.

Paragraph 9.03—amended to remove the requirement for certified copies of documents to establish specified relationships and to provide for the acceptance of uncertified photocopies of dependency documents. This change is consistent with revisions to 38 CFR 3.204 through 3.211.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each


Veterans Benefits Administration
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.  20420
M22-4, Part IV
Change 2
March 14, 1994

Part IV, "Claims Processing - Award Issues," Veterans Benefits Administration Manual M22-4, "Education Procedures," is changed as follows:

Pages iii and iv: Remove these pages and substitute page iii attached.

Pages 3-i through 3-4: Remove these pages and substitute pages 3-i through 3-5 attached.

Paragraph 3.01 has been revised to include procedures to check for duplicate payments.

Paragraph 3.02 has been revised to include the effect of SMOCTA ((The Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training Act of 1992). A note is added regarding an allowable duplication of chapters 30 and 31 benefits in certain OJT cases.

Paragraph 3.07 has been revised to include updated procedures concerning GETA (Government Employees' Training Act). Effective October 29, 1992, VA is prohibited from awarding educational benefits to an individual for a course or courses paid for under GETA regardless of whether the individual receives less than full salary while training or whether the training is pursued during an individual's normal duty hours or during off-duty hours.

RESCISSION: Circular 22-93-3, paragraph 6.

By Direction of the Under Secretary for Benefits

                                                                                                                                        CELIA P. DOLLARHIDE

                                                                                                                                        Director, Education Service
Distribution:      RPC:     2225
FD                       EX:       ASO and AR, 1 each



1. Manuals

M22-2, Part II, Chapter 2, paragraphs 2.01 through 2.06 (This completes the rescission of chapter 2.)
M22-2, Part II, Change 6
M22-2, Part III, Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, paragraphs 8.01 through 8.10 (This completes the rescission of chapter 8.)
M22-2, Part III, Changes 1 and 2
M22-2, Part IV, Chapters 1, 7, 8, and 9
M22-2, Part IV, Chapter 6, paragraphs 6.01 through 6.09 and 6.11 through 6.14
(This completes the rescission of Part IV.)
M22-2, Part IV, Chapter 11, paragraphs 11.01 through 11.02
Chapter 13, paragraphs 13.01 through 13.05
M22-2, Part IV, Changes 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12
M22-2, Part V, Chapters 5 and 6
Chapter 7, paragraphs 7.05, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13.01, 7.17, 7.18, and 7.20 through 7.30
Chapter 10, paragraph 10.16
M22-2, Part VIII, Chapter 2, paragraphs 2.01 through 2.06 (This completes the rescission of chapter 2.)
M22-4, Part IV, Changes 1, 2, 3, [4], 5-10, 11, 22 and [23]

PG21-1, Section M-9 (Revised)
Section M-10 (Revised), paragraphs 2 and 3
Section M-33
Section M-50-1
Note: All of PG21-1 has been rescinded.

2. Interim Issues

Interim Issue 22-90-1

3. Circulars

Circular 22-80-38, Revised
Circular 20-85-16
Circular 22-86-4
Circular 22-86-8
Circular 20-87-7, paragraphs 10, 11, and 12, and Appendix A
Circular 22-88-3, paragraph 4
Circular 22-88-5
Circular 22-89-3 and Appendixes A and B
Circular 20-89-10, paragraph 9 and Change 5;
Appendix C
Circular 20-90-9, paragraphs 5, 7, 8b, c, and d, and 10
Appendix B, paragraphs 1 through 3, 4a through d, 4e(2) through (3), 5a(2), 6, 7b through f, 8 through 13, exhibits 8 through 10 (This completes the rescission of Circular 20-90-9, Appendix B, Revised.)
Appendix C, paragraphs 5 through 8
Appendix D, paragraphs 6 through 13
Circular 22-90-5, Appendix A
Circular 22-92-9, paragraphs 1 through 9 and 11 through 14 and Change 1
(This completes the rescission of Circular 22-92-9.)
Circular 22-92-13, paragraphs 6 and 8
Circular 20-92-14, Appendix A, paragraphs 4 through 7 and 9
Circular 22-93-3, paragraphs 4, 6, and 10
Circular 22-94-4
Circular 22-97-1, paragraphs 2 and 3e