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Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2008

NCES 2008-084
September 2008

Table 3.2.  Number and percentage of public school students in kindergarten through 12th grade who were suspended or expelled, by sex and race/ethnicity: 2004

Race/ethnicity Total   Male   Female
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
  Total Enrollment
Total 48,139,800 100.0   24,728,300 51.4   23,411,600 48.6
White 28,135,800 58.4   14,502,400 51.5   13,633,400 48.5
Black 8,125,400 16.9   4,128,700 50.8   3,996,700 49.2
Hispanic 9,116,400 18.9   4,678,900 51.3   4,437,500 48.7
Asian/Pacific Islander 2,168,400 4.5   1,115,300 51.4   1,053,100 48.6
American Indian/Alaska Native 593,900 1.2   303,100 51.0   290,800 49.0
Total 3,279,700 6.8   2,266,800 9.2   1,013,000 4.3
White 1,359,400 4.8   988,700 6.8   370,700 2.7
Black 1,222,600 15.0   784,900 19.0   437,700 11.0
Hispanic 594,500 6.5   419,200 9.0   175,200 3.9
Asian/Pacific Islander 60,400 2.8   45,000 4.0   15,400 1.5
American Indian/Alaska Native 42,900 7.2   28,900 9.6   13,900 4.8
Total 106,200 0.2   79,200 0.3   27,000 0.1
White 44,500 0.2   33,700 0.2   10,800 0.2
Black 36,700 0.5   25,900 0.6   10,700 0.3
Hispanic 21,300 0.2   16,700 0.4   4,700 0.1
Asian/Pacific Islander 1,800 0.1   1,500 0.1   300 #
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,900 0.3   1,400 0.5   500 0.2
# Rounds to zero.
NOTE: Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Civil Rights Data Collection, 2004, retrieved from on May 17, 2007.