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News Release

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343


Regarding Surgeon General David Satcher

Surgeon General David Satcher is a true champion for the health of America. As the "nation's doctor," he has been a tireless advocate for preventing disease and promoting better health for all Americans. He has worked tirelessly to tackle the difficult issues of America's health, and, in so doing, has helped make our country a healthier place to live.

Dr. Satcher was the first Surgeon General to come from a leadership position at an HHS agency -- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With that experience, Dr. Satcher gave our country an exemplary level of leadership that will leave a lasting mark. His efforts to deal with a wide range of important public health problems, especially disparities in health among various populations, have had a tremendous impact on the health and well being of our nation.

The Morehouse School of Medicine is fortunate to have Dr. Satcher join its new National Center for Primary Care as its first director. I know that Dr. Satcher will be a vibrant leader in promoting access to effective primary health care for all Americans.

I congratulate Dr. Satcher for all that he has accomplished. I am confident that he will continue to keep America's health as his number one priority as he takes on new challenges, and I wish him continued success in his new endeavors at Morehouse.


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Last revised: January 4, 2007