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Geoid99 Interpolation  
Great Circle Computations  

Geoid99 Interpolation
Two programs for performing GEOID99 interpolation on small computers have been provided by Terry Nygaard of Texas.

GCGC Program
The program GCGC performs great circle computations and was provided by Ron McConnell of New Jersey.

Would You Like to Contribute Your Software
to the NGS Web Site?

NGS software is offered free of charge over the internet for those users who are submitting data for inclusion in the NGS database, or for those users who have need of utilities to manipulate or perform computations on geodetic data. If you have software which you have developed and which you would like to offer free to others, you can contact us here at NGS and we will add it to the software on this web page. The following are required:

  • An executable file for running the program on the PC.
  • A source code file, for those who wish to adapt your software to a different platform.
  • Documentation which includes a description of what the program does, information on the system requirements for running the program, instructions for installing and running the program, a description of the input data formats and the output files, and information on how users can contact you with questions, e.g. email address and/or phone number. This documentation can be in a text file, WORD or Word Perfect document. If graphics or diagrams are included in the file you may submit the file in pdf format. Files in the text, WORD, or Word Perfect formats will be converted into html.
  • Any restrictions the author places on further distribution.

    If it would be helpful, sample input and output files may also be included. If your package includes numerous files, NGS reserves the right to combine the files into a compressed format to simplify the downloading process.

    NGS reserves the right to remove software from its web site if and when the software becomes obsolete, errors are found in the computations, or the author is no longer available to maintain the software.

    To request that your software be added to the NGS web site, contact NGS at E-mail.

    For more information on specific programs,
    see the individual programs for details on how to contact the author.
    If you have downloading problems, contact the Webmaster.
    updated: Monday, 22-Oct-2007 10:21:37 EDT