Environmental Research Division

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ERD Upwelling Indices

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These data contain products generated by ERD from the FNMOC sea level pressure fields.
  • ERD's Historical Upwelling Index for 26 positions along the Eastern Pacific coast at each 3 degrees of latitude from 21N to 60N, and from 45S to 15S. The coastal Upwelling Index is an index of the strength of the wind forcing on the ocean which has been used in many studies of the effects of ocean variability on the reproductive and recruitment success of many fish and invertebrate species.

  • Global monthly upwelling index can be obtained for any point on any coastline (Northern Hemisphere: 1967 - present, Southern Hemisphere: 1983 - present). Download global upwelling index from ERD's Live Access Server (the coastal orientation at the desired location must be supplied by the user).

  • Current Month's products. Upwelling index for the current month (6-hrly from the 1st day of the previous month to 0600 Pacific Time of the current day) can be obtained here.
What is an upwelling index?
How does ERD determine upwelling indices?

NOTE: If you find our data useful, please log in to our Guest Book to let us know about your research needs. This will help us continue to improve and support our data services. Thanks!

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