Office of the United States Trade Representative
Australia Section Icon
USTR Portman with Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile in Paris on May 2, 2005 before the OECD Trade Meetings (USTR File Photo) Flags of the United States and Australia
USTR Portman with Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile in Paris on May 2, 2005 before the OECD Trade Meetings (USTR File Photo)
Flags of the United States and Australia.
The Agreement
Document Library
Selection Exchange of Letters on Implementation of the U.S.-Australia FTA
Selection Final Text of Australia FTA
Selection Summary of U.S.-Australia FTA
Selection 05/18/04 | U.S. & Australia Sign FTA
Selection 5/18/04 | Transcript of USTR Zoellick Signing U.S.-Australia FTA
Selection Quotes of Support
Selection Final Environmental Review
Selection Advisory Committee Reports
Selection 11/13/02 | House Letter
Selection 11/13/02 | Senate Letter
Selection USDA Fact Sheets on U.S.-Australia FTA
Selection American-Australian Free Trade Coalition
Selection Press Releases
Selection Fact Sheets
Selection Speeches
Selection Op-Eds

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item: Australia FTA
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item: Chile FTA
item: Colombia FTA
item: Israel FTA
item: Jordan FTA
item: Malaysia FTA
item: Morocco FTA
item: Panama TPA
item: Peru TPA
item: Malaysia FTA
item: Singapore FTA
item: SACU FTA
item: UAE FTA
item: Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
item: Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFAs)