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Speak Up! - Share your thoughts

If you were the President of the United States, what is the first thing you would do to make this country better?

I would stop trying to make the U.S. the boss of the world, and focus on the problems that are happening right here at home, like unemployment, poverty, and health care.

First I would stop the war, and then I would have a fundraiser and give all the funds to the homeless and give them all a home. After that I would help those who lost there jobs by giving them food, money and clothes and whatever else they needed. I would also open up like a place for overweight kids ages 4-19 because I'm sure it is not easy for them.

I would take all the beer and bad stuff that can make you die away, so that nobody would get hurt.

I would make people be healthy and be active.

I would establish more churches and one of the laws would be that everyone would have a Sunday rest.

I would persuade people to walk than drive. Driving is just laziness.

If I could be the president even for just a week, I would try and change so many things such as stopping the war, helping the homeless, lower gas prices, and help find jobs for those who don't have them. I know money is a real big problem right now and I would really love to help.

Have designated days for riding your bicycle instead of using your car, but weather permitting of course.

I agree with basically with all the other girls. This war has to be stopped!! The USA is totally in danger! I would use the money for something useful. I would get troops out of Iraq. Anyway, the money would be for things we all need, for people with no money at all! These days, people are going through tough times. Yes its good that gas went down, but what about the price of food? Some people can’t afford clothes to wear! Some parents really have to struggle to feed their young.

One thing that I would do is find some way to slow down global warming with the technology we have because nobody seems to be to worried about it.

If I were President I would help the poor people pay their taxes and let them do good things for me and give them a few hundred dollars. I would also give them a security system so they can be safe and no one can take their money and keep it for themselves. Oh and I would command the rich, rich, RICH people to give some money to the poor people. That's what I would do.

The first thing I would do is end the war in Iraq, and bring our troops home. Next, I would make a plan so that all Americans would have proper healthcare, and all children would have equal educational opportunities.

Stop every war and send the troops home.

If I was the president of the United States, I would make the economy better first. My father lost his job, and my Mom doesn’t have one. I would feel so good if I had the chance to become president!

If I were the President I would stop all this negativity going on. I would also stop the war because I'm sure it is very difficult for the people over there.

I would get rid of the involvement of religion with anything to do with running the country as these things are NOT RELATED.

Well if I were the President I would stop the war because I feel that people shouldn't have to go through that. And I would stop racism because I’m black myself and I hate it when people try to bully me because of it.

The FIRST thing I would change in the U.S. is the way schools don't require school uniforms because not all students and their parents and/or guardians can afford clothes, especially for girls, and competition between make-up and clothes are always a problem, which leads to bullying which leads to depression.

End the war in Iraq!!! Use the money that would have been spent on it, and ensure that EVERY kid in the US has a great education that will help him/her get into college and get a good job.

One- Take the troops out of Iraq. Two- Make sure kids especially girls are not abused. Three- No kidnapping. Four- Anything bad or harmful on the internet for kids make sure the site or thing is deleted.

If I were president I would take the troops out if Iraq, because you hear about how bad they have it and their families are always scared for them but you don’t understand until you been through it!!

I would make a law for all buses to have seat belts!

Well, I would first stop with all this killing that’s going on- and men who rape kids or women will get life in jail. I will also let teen kids get married at 16 years old.

I would make sure that women and girls weren’t abused. It isn’t fair, in some countries girls aren’t aloud to go to school because they are female!!

If I were president the first thing I would do is help all the immigrants by letting them stay here in the U.S. without problems.

If I were president, I would make more food and money available to homeless and needy people.

I would actually ban money. All of the money would be ground and recycled and all of the resources would be divided up and each person would be given an equal amount of things. The only reason we worry about it not being fair is because people are not nice to each other. We want things we can't have, and I think if we took away money and other forms of currency and trade, we would be better for it because everyone would get an equal amount, and not get more just because they have more pieces of paper and metal in their pocket.

I would make bullying illegal.

I would try to drop gas prices.

Well first I would want to lower taxes, help with global warming, and try to get our country out of Iraq.

I would lower prices and taxes and everything so that the poor can have enough money to pay for their food, clothes, and stuff to make their life be successful.

If I were president I would make sure that every one is treated fairly and that every one has a home, clothes and food, because that is only fair. I would also make sure that every child has an education and every one could go to college. That is what I would do if I were president.

If I were president of the US I would make sure every homeless person could have some kind of shelter and food.

If I was the president of the U.S., I would put all girls first because we girls are better than any thing else.

I’m a Jehovah’s Witness so I don’t vote and don’t want to. But I really think you should just go with what you think is right! No matter what any one says!

If I were president, I would legalize liberty and abolish the federal government.

I would improve the economy because if no one does, it would effect all the people of the U.S. and it would be a disadvantage to the rest of the world.

I would make people get at least five hundred dollars for food only.

I would lower gas prices, help the homeless, and send all the soldiers home from Iraq!

If I were the president I would want to open up a fitness center for all the children who are obese and from ages 9-19. I say this because I am a preteen and I want to be able to walk into a fitness center with other kids where they DON'T say "Sorry you have to be 16 years of age or older.”

I would give money to the poor, cancer, and people who really need our help. And I will help the hungry.

If I were President, the first thing I would do to make this country better is to help fix the economy. I would encourage adults and teens to work and get a paying job, make taxes more affordable, etc.

If I were president I would help the needy and help the girls going through tragedy. I would also want everyone to be happy.

If I were President of the United States, the first thing I would do all the young mothers get through the times of hurt and trouble. They (and their children) deserve nice things as well as everybody else. They deserve a warm meal, nice warm clothes, and a house. I mean we take everything for granted but what if one day it was all gone?? They're no different than everyone else!

I would help under age girls who are pregnant find a way to get through what they are going through.

The first thing that I would do if I were president is deal with the economy. I would help create jobs so that the unemployment rate could go down considerably. Then I would stop the war in Iraq.

If I were president of the United States, I would bring all of our troops back home from Iraq so they can see their families, and I would want to look into stem cell research for the future. AND! Encourage girls to stand up for what they believe in and to just be themselves. AND! Encourge girls to stand up for what they believe in and to just be themselves.

If I were president of the United States I would stop all the hating on other people. I would also stop the War in Iraq and encourage people to be the best person they can be. I would try to make the world a better place for everyone.

If I were I president would make it so that everyone can get a good education.

I don’t live in America but I would stop the war in Iraq and animal cruelty. I would also stop racism

If I were the president I would stop the war and make new roads and let everyone buy a house so then they wouldn't have to live on the street. And I would make the taxes lower and have the bills lower so then people can keep their houses.

If I was President of the United States we would be in peace we wouldn’t be in war. And a law would be recycling and keeping our country happy and clean.

I would educate people about the harmful effects of drug abuse and alcohol use. I would give support to women, especially teen girls, and make more privileges available to them.

If I were president I would end the war in Iraq so that the people in the war can see their families.

I would stop cyberbullying and racism and let people take their Bible to school and witness to other people.

I would stop the war in Iraq and bring everyone home... and I would stop bullying.

If I were president, we wouldn't be in war and all the people that are in the Army would be home with their family!

If I was president, I would stop the war in Iraq by bringing the men home and asking the Iraq goverment to trade us something for their oil.

I wouldn't take gym out of school, I'd make a little easier for overweight kids because, being one, I hate having to run around the bases, the school, or the track. When we play football or other sports during gym, we're still runing but we have fun doing it.

If I were the president of the United States, I would encourage girls to stand up for what they belive in, reach for their inner star, bring out their true beauty, and go for their goals for the very near future. Everybody has an inner star, so why not use it?

I would so totally stop bullying and racism!!!!

If i was the President of the United States, I would lower the gas prices for all the truckers and bus drivers. I would also go to schools and talk to them about drug use and what happens if you're addicted.

I think that it's going to be even harder to get a gymnastics scholarship in 4 years because of the economy.

I would try to help the poor and needy!

I would try to make it easier for more people to go to college because right now its too expensive.

Add YOUR comments!

Content last updated January 2009

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
