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bullet Green Procurement
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Green Procurement

"Green Procurement" (formerly known as Affirmative Procurement) is the purchase of environmentally preferable products and services in accordance with one or more of the established Federal "green" procurement preference programs. The mandatory Green Procurement program elements are:
  • Recycled content products on the EPA CPG list
  • Energy StarĀ® products and energy efficient standby power devices
  • Alternative fuel vehicles, alternative fuels, and fuel efficient vehicles
  • Biobased products as defined by USDA
  • Non-ozone depleting substances
  • EPA Priority Chemicals
Federal purchasers are also encouraged to follow EPA's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) guidelines as part of the Green Procurement Program.

The "Guide to Green Purchasing" was updated in January 2005 to reflect the full scope of the GPP and can be downloaded from the link below.

Guide to Green Purchasing (click to view, right click to save)

AFCEE/TD provides technical resources and support to help AF units execute this program.

Contact Information
Phone: (210) 536-4420
DSN Phone: 240-4420
E-mail: afcee.td.awag@brooks.af.mil

Resources Menu

- GPP Brochure (174 KB doc)

Educational Materials
- 2005 Symposium GPP Slides (1.2 MB ppt)
- AP Credit Card Training (1.67MB ppt)
- Biobased Training Slides
- Energy Star Purchasing (262 KB ppt)
- GPP Fact Sheet for Contractors (282 KB doc)
- GPP Factsheet (404 KB doc)
- GPP Training Flyer (309 KB doc)
- GPP Training Flyer for GPC (86 KB doc)
- JWOD Environmental Initiatives
- Malmstrom IMPAC Briefing (1.02 KB ppt)
- On-site GPP classes - USACHPPM
- Sign Up for GoLearn GPP Course (89 KB doc)

Environmental Programs
- EPA's CPG Website
- EPA's EPP Program
- Federal Electronics Challenge
- Federal Environmental Exec.
- WasteWise Program

Fact Sheets
- AP & HAZMAT Purchasing (77 KB doc)
- CE AP Fact Sheet (95 KB ppt)

Guidance Documents
- Affirmative Procurement Policy (105 KB pdf)
- DoD GPP Strategy
- Final EPP Guidance (133 KB pdf)
- Green Procurement Guide (1.43 MB doc)
- Quick and Dirty GPP Guide (48 KB doc)
- Reg. Alert - EO 13101 Compliance (36 KB doc)
- SAF/MIQ EO 13101 memo (537 KB pdf)
- Six Months to an AP Program (89 KB doc)

Information Services
- CIWMB Recycled Products DB
- DLA Environmental Products
- EPA Procurement Guidelines
- EPA's EPP Database
- GSA Environmental Products

Regulatory Drivers
- 40 CFR 247
- Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 23
- P2 Legal Requirements Matrix
- RCRA Section 6002

Sample Plans
- AF Space Command AP Guide (4.74 MB pdf)
- ANG Affirmative Procurement Plan (98 KB doc)
- HQ ACC AP Plan (110 KB doc)
- KPSTS AP Plan (4.46 MB pdf)
- Malmstrom AFB AP Plan (223 KB doc)
- Malmstrom AFB Policy Letter (21 KB doc)
- Malmstrom Annual Review Chklst (23 KB doc)
- Sheppard AFB AP Package
- Specification Section - AP (55 KB doc)

Statements of Work
- GPP Plan SOW (57 KB doc)

Page Contact: AFCEE Web Team, HQ AFCEE
3300 Sidney Brooks, Brooks City-Base TX 78235 - Phone: (210) 536-5626 - DSN: 240-5626
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