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ArrowMag Lab by the Numbers

Mag Lab by the Numbers

Number of Mag Lab employees1 360
Percentage of employees with PhDs 36
Number of countries represented by Mag Lab staff 50
Total investment in infrastructure from all budget sources, through 2007 $182 million
Annual operating budget $54 million
Percentage of budget funded by the National Science Foundation and other grants 80
Percentage funded by the state of Florida 20
Amount of return to state of Florida projected for each dollar invested in the lab (2005 to 2015) $5.50
Square footage (all three branches) 440,000
Helium and nitrogen bill2 for the year 2007 at the lab's Tallahassee headquarters $1.5 million
Electric bill for the year 2007 at the lab's Tallahassee headquarters $6.8 million
Percentage of that bill attributable to magnet use 70
Percentage of the electricity provided to all Tallahassee residences and businesses that is consumed by the Magnet Lab 7
Power supply, in megawatts, available at the lab's Tallahassee facility 56
Capacity, in megawatts, of the motor generator that powers the pulsed magnets at the lab's Los Alamos National Laboratory site 1,430
Average monthly electricity use, in kilowatthours, of average U.S. home 920
Average monthly electricity use, in kilowatthours, of Mag Lab's DC Field Facility in Tallahassee (2007) 4.2 million
Magnetic field, measured in tesla3, generated by the lab's hybrid magnet, which creates the most powerful sustained magnetic field in the world 45
Weight, in tons, of this magnet 35
Miles of superconducting wire coiling through this magnet 4
Amount of power, in megawatts, required to operate this magnet 33
Amount of time, in weeks, required to cool the magnet down from room temperature to its operating temperature of -452°F (-269°C) 6
Amount of chilled water, in liters per second, required to keep the magnet cool 400
Speed (in mph) at which chilled water is run through resistive magnets to keep them cool 45
Magnetic field strength, in tesla, of the strongest non-destructive magnet in the world, a "multi-shot" magnet located at our Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory 90
Amount of pressure found 12 feet under water, in pounds per square inch (psi) 6
Amount of pressure (in psi) sustained by the lab's 90 tesla multi-shot magnet 200,000
Length of time, in milliseconds, that the 90 tesla multi-shot is operated, so as to avoid an explosion (One millisecond = 1/1,000 of a second) 15
Length of time, in microseconds, that the lab's 300 tesla single turn magnet is operated, before exploding – as it is designed to do! (One microsecond = 1/1,000,000 of a second) 6
Coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth (in nature) -89°C
Coldest man-made temperature at the Magnet Lab (in our High B/T Facility at the University of Florida) -272°C
Number of times per second that hydrogen atoms spin in our 900 MHz NMR magnet 900,000,000
Number (approximate) of scientists from across the globe using the Mag Lab facilities every year 1,000
Number of visitors attending the Mag Lab's annual Open House (2008) 4,600
Number of students taught in their own classrooms every year through the Magnet Lab's educational outreach program 8,800
Number of patents awarded to the lab (through 2007) 23
Number of world records 13

1300 in Tallahassee, 35 at LANL and 25 at UF. Does not include affiliated personnel.
2Liquid helium and liquid nitrogen are used to keep our superconducting magnets at the very cold temperature they require in order to operate.
3A tesla is a measure of magnetic field strength. The Earth's magnetic field is 1/20,000 (.00005) of a tesla.
4This temperature is just a fraction of a degree above absolute zero (0 Kelvin), the coldest possible temperature.

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