Statement by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Raymond Simon on Puerto Rico NAEP Scores
Archived Information

March 29, 2007
Contact: Rebecca Neale
Katherine McLane
(202) 401-1576
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U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Raymond Simon today made the following statement regarding the release of reports by The Nation's Report Card on mathematics performance in Puerto Rico in 2003 and 2005:

The goal of No Child Left Behind is to have all students reading and doing math at grade level, regardless of geography or income. The reports released today indicate that too many of Puerto Rico's children are not being equipped with basic and essential skills they need to succeed. Puerto Ricans expect their future leaders to receive a high-quality education, and we owe it to these students to ensure that this is delivered.

Without a doubt, Puerto Rico has significant challenges ahead. But thanks to No Child Left Behind, we now know the scope of the task at hand. I look forward to working with Puerto Rico's leaders on their efforts to provide students with the top-notch education they deserve.



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Last Modified: 03/30/2007

No Child Left Behind
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