


My List



Questions? Email ericklotz@utah.gov


Welcome to the Utah Water-Wise Plants Website!

Please pardon our construction as we try to make this website the most helpful site on the web!

In order to assist Utah citizens in identifying water-wise plants for our region, we have developed a program to recognize desirable low water use species. Representatives from several government and local organizations have worked together to organize a list of ornamental trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, ornamental grasses, and ground covers that meet the criteria listed below:

Plants areOenothera caespitosa, "White Evening Primrose"
1) water-wise,
2) adapted to Utah's arid climate and cold winters,
3) available in the industry,
4) relatively easy to maintain in the landscape, and
5) have desirable landscape characteristics which remain desirable under limited water availability.

Our 'water-wise' designation means a plant needs to be watered at most once every two weeks after establishment and will still retain its aesthetic characteristics.

A generic, bright yellow tag or label with a recognizable logo will show you, the consumers, that "this" is a water-wise plant. Look for this tag at participating Nurseries and Garden Centers throughout the state, and you will know you are purchasing a recommended plant- it's as easy as that!

About this website

This website was developed to be a companion to the Water-Wise Tagging Program. Here you will find photos of plants on the Utah Water-Wise Plants list, as well as descriptions and cultural information.

Using the navigation menu to the left, you may search for plants meeting your specific site needs (i.e., shade, zone 5, etc.). You may also browse through all the plants in the database, arranged by category. And a new feature, Water-Wise Landscaping in Action, shows you examples of homeowners that have implemented these principles and plants in their own yards!

Ratibida columnifera, "Mexican Hat"Please feel free to add a plant to your "My List", a feature that allows you to compile a list of your favorite plants on this website. After compilation, you may print out the list and take it with you to your local nursery or garden center.