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  Medhome Portal Logo Utah Collaborative Medical Home Project: Image Comps  

  Welcome to the MedHome Portal!   Information, Tools, and Resources to aid Primary Care Physicians in caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) and providing a Medical Home for all of their patients.  
Diagnoses & Conditions 
Modules for each of a number of chronic conditions affecting children
bullet Diagnosis Prevalence List
bullet Links
bullet Services- Community & Professional
bullet Bibliography
Technology Reviews
In Development - sample reviews on Wheelchairs and Tracheostomy are available
Screening & Prevention
Developmental, Social-Emotional, Maternal Depression, and Newborn Screening. Others in development
About Medical Home
What is a Medical Home and who are CSHCN? How can the Medical Home model work in practice?
bullet Care Coordination
bullet Optimal Coding
bullet Our Supporters
bullet About this Project & the Portal
bullet Newsletters/Conf. Calls
For Families
Information and resources for patients and families.
Education & Schools
Collaborating with schools and educators; information and tools.
Transition Issues
Pediatric to adult care; school to work; home to community; and more...
Help Us Improve
Please help us understand how our site is used by telling us which of the following apply to you

primary care provider
parent or family member
child or youth with special healthcare needs
medical specialist
other health care provider
please specify:
please specify:
Conferences and Community Events

  Note: This Web site is being reprogrammed to better serve our users. Improvements to the existing site will be limited during this time. Please use the Contact link at the top of the page to let us know about any problems or issues you find. Thanks for your patience. UCMHP logo

  O u r   S u p p o r t e r s :
University of Utah - Health Sciences Center  |  National Library of Medicine  |  Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
State of Utah - Department of Health  |  U.S. Maternal & Child Health Bureau  |  Utah Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
  Copyright © 2001 -2008   Utah Collaborative Medical Home Project   50 N. Medical Drive, 2A200 Salt Lake City, UT 84132
Policies  |  Disclaimers