Welcome to FirmFind!

Largest Companies Specific Firm Industry Occupation Help

This system's purpose is to assist individuals in their job search by providing listings of Utah firms/companies using four different searches. You may search by occupation, industry, specific firm, or largest employers.

Firm listings shown do not imply the companies have current job vacanies or are hiring.

FirmFind provides names, addresses, phone numbers, industry, and employment size of virtually all firms in Utah. Information is available for specific county, groups of counties, or for the entire State. Firm listings are generated for viewing or printing in groups of 20 by largest employment size group, then by firm name.

Also, you may download (into a text comma separated value file) all or parts of the firm listing. Some firms will be listed with zero employment. This means that the firm was active but in the reference month reported no employees.

Certain employers are exempt from reporting employment and wage data to the Department of Workforce Services. Unless they have voluntarily provided their data, it is not included in this database.

You may have the ability to download a listing of all firms listed on this website by clicking this button.
(popup windows must be enabled).

Roughly 88,000 business establishments appear in the current update of FirmFind.

© Copyright 2004 Utah Department of Workforce Services. All rights reserved.
The reference month for the employment of the firms is March 2008.
The FirmFind system was updated August 2008.
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