Utah History Research Center Utah State Archives

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We will be happy to answer your questions about Utah history and state and local government records. Please send us the following information to facilitate your research. All information given is classified Private according to UCA 63-2-302(1) (2000) and will not be shared without your permission. We need contact information from you so that we know where to send a response to your question. Be sure that your email address is typed correctly, including any capitalization used.

Email Address: (required)
Mailing Address:

Include as many details as you know:

See the Archives' catalog and History's catalog to identify records.

Author or agency that created the records:
Call Number or Series Number:

General Timeframe:


Specific Date:

Name of Subject Being Researched:
(becomes subject line of email response)

What Is Your Specific Question?

Print PagePrint Page | This page was last updated August 20, 2008.

For research questions, contact the Research Center. For comments about this website, contact the webmaster.