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Additional Lower Cost Power Approved for Economic Development in Westchester

Mike Saltzman
(914) 390-8181

February 20, 2001


WHITE PLAINS—The New York Power Authority (NYPA) trustees on Tuesday approved an additional 10,000-kilowatt (kw) allocation of lower-cost power for the County of Westchester Public Utility Service Agency (COWPUSA) that should help the county bring about the growth of businesses and jobs.

The new allocation doubles the amount of power that COWPUSA now receives from a block of power reserved for municipal utility service agencies in New York State for industrial economic development.

A total of six Westchester businesses and not-for-profit organizations, employing nearly 1,500 people, now receive NYPA power, as COWPUSA customers: Englehard Corp., Peekskill; Excelsior Transparent Bag, Yonkers; Precision Valve, Yonkers; World Class Film, Yonkers; Montefiore Medical Center, Yonkers; and Ciba Specialty, Tarrytown.

"We’re pleased to be able to build on our successful partnership with Westchester County by making this additional power available to its utility service agency for future allocations," said NYPA President Gene Zeltmann. "It promises to add to the total of more than 18,000 jobs in the county that are now linked to various allocation programs administered by the Power Authority, including Governor Pataki’s hugely successful Power for Jobs program."

Zeltmann also cited the Power Authority’s energy-efficiency efforts for Westchester public facilities, such as schools and municipal buildings, that have resulted in a savings of about $6 million a year for the county’s taxpayers.

"I’m confident we’re going to be able to maximize the benefits of the additional 10,000 kw to spur investments and job growth here," said Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano, noting that the county and NYPA reached an agreement last August that included increasing the amount of lower-cost power available to COWPUSA, to 20,000 kw.

The agreement concerned issues regarding NYPA’s sale of its Indian Point 3 Nuclear Plant, in northern Westchester, to the Energy Corp., a large nuclear operator based in New Orleans. The sale, which was completed late last year, also included the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant on Lake Ontario, near Oswego.

As part of the transaction with Entergy, the Power Authority was assured of continued electricity from the FitzPatrick plant for various customers, including COWPUSA and other municipal utility service agencies.

NYPA last increased the amount of power available to the Westchester Public Utility Service Agency in 1994, from 3,690 kw to 10,000 kw.

The agency will negotiate with the Consolidated Edison Co. the terms and conditions for expanded delivery service for its latest NYPA allocation.