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Press Releases - January 1 - March 31, 2001

March 30 - NYPA Strong Performance Continued In 2000

March 27 - Power Authority to Lease Land to Louisville for New Water Treatment Plant

March 27 - NYPA Receives National Recognition for Safe Operating Practices

March 23 - NYPA Trustees to Meet March 27

March 22 - Assembly Urged to Back Gas Turbines to Avert New York City Blackouts

March 21 - Power Authority to Seek Community Input to Offset Emissions from Generators

March 14 - NYPA Transmission Center in Central New York Achieves Safety Milestone

March 5 - EVAA Elects Zeltmann as New Co-Chair

February 21 - NYPA Sets Public Forum on Rate Proposal

February 20 - Additional Lower Cost Power Approved for Economic Development in Westchester

February 20 - Statement on DEC Permit for Pouch Terminal

February 20 - Power Authority Trustees Authorize Engineering for Bronx Footbridge

February 14 - NYPA Trustees to Meet February 20

February 7 - Statement in Response to Gas-Turbine Lawsuit

January 30 - Power Authority Headquarters Named in Honor of Chairman Rappleyea

January 25 - Economic Development Power Allocation Board (EDPAB) to Meet

January 25 - NYPA Trustees to Meet January 30

January 24 - Draft License Application for St. Lawrence-FDR Available for Public Review

January 24 - NYPA and DCAS Begin $6 Million Chiller Replacement at Brooklyn Municipal Building

January 23 - Statement by the New York Power Authority (on Gas Turbine Generators)

January 10 - NYPA Official Urges Reform of Hydropower Relicensing

January 8 - Power Project Draft License Application Available at Libraries in Area Communities

January 4 - Public Hearing Scheduled on Staten Island for Generating Plant at Pouch Terminal


For the Press:

Specific contact information is included on each press release.

Press inquiries only:

Michael Saltzman
work - 914-390-8181

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