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Ask the Wildlife Damage Management Expert

Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage Handbook 1994
Control Hndbook
Univ. Publications
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 The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management knStephen Vantassel ows that sometimes special and specific assistance is needed.

We are here to help you.

Hi. I am Stephen Vantassel, webmaster of the ICWDM.org. I don't have all the answers but if I don't know the answer, chances are I know someone who does.

But before I can help you, I need you to do a few things. Please visit these pages if for nothing else to make sure that you are familiar with some terms and know what the animal/problem isn't.  Becoming better informed will help me, help you. 

wildlife damage inspection and identification helpIf you don't know what animal is causing the damage, be sure to visit Animal Identification  


References for information on the control of wildlife damageControl methods information for specific species can be found at http://icwdm.org/WildlifePublications.asp  and The Handbook

If after reading that information, you still have questions, then by all means drop me a line. In your question please include the following information so I can assist you better

  • State/region where the problem is occurring.
  • Explain the nature of the damage.
    • Inside building? Outside building?
    • Noise, gnawing, predation,
    • Damage occurs during the day? Night?
  • Any activities you have employed in an attempt to mitigate the damage.
  • Provide any pictures (if possible) of the damage. Learn how to take better photos at Take Better Photos
  • Understand our disclaimers


NOTE: All requests should be made with the understanding of our Terms of Use.

We do not honor privacy and confidentiality disclaimers in e-mails unless the ICWDM is under contract!

Legal disclaimerDisclaimer: As with any activity, remember that animal damage control comes with its own risks and problems which can include but are not limited to legalities, health threats, and personal liabilities. Be sure to follow all state laws governing wildlife and make sure you have a thorough understanding on how to resolve the animal damage complaint. Our advice is only as good as your understanding of our recommendations and our understanding of your situation. If you have any questions be sure to write back.

You can also call 402-472-8961. I am often in the office between 8:30-5:00  M-F CST. If I am not in, just call back in an hour or so. I can't guarantee calls will be returned. E-mails are usually returned.

Questions can be e-mailed to  Ask the Expert


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