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Noxious Weeds by their scientific Name


Washington State Noxious Weed List

 Each year, the State Noxious Weed Control Board adopts, by rule (WAC 16-750), the State Noxious Weed List. This list determines which plants will be considered noxious weeds and where control will be required in Washington State. This approach allows control activities of land owners - both public and private - to be prioritized towards the protection and enhancement of Washington's agriculture and natural areas in the most cost-effective manner.

Class A Noxious Weeds:
Non-native species that are limited in distribution in Washington. State law requires that these weeds be eradicated.

Class B Noxious Weeds:
Non-native species that are either absent from or limited in distribution in some portions of the state but very abundant in other areas. The goals are to contain the plants where they are already widespread and prevent their spread into new areas.

a picture of hairy willow herb

Class C Noxious Weeds:
Non-native plants that are already widespread in Washington State. Counties can choose to enforce control, or they can educate residents about controlling these noxious weeds.


Monitor List Weeds:
Putting plants on the Monitor List allows us to gather more information about them such as their distribution in the State, observable impacts, spread rate, etc.

Other Helpful Links:

Proposed changes to the 2009 noxious weed list

2008 noxious weed list brochure
(Formatted for legal size (8"x14") paper - it can be printed as an 8" x 11", too)

2008 WSDA List of prohibited sales of plants and seeds in WA State  

Participate in the listing process

Get help identifying noxious weeds

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