Natural Resources Priority Weed List

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Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. -- Russian knapweed
Ailanthus altissima -- Tree of heaven
Alhagi pseudalhagi (Bieb.) Desv. -- Camelthorn
Asphodelus fistulosus -- Onion weed
Brassica tournifortii -- Sahara mustard
Carduus nutans -- Musk thistle
Centaurea diffusa L. -- Diffuse knapweed
Centaurea maculosa L. -- Spotted knapweed
Centaurea melitensis -- Malta starthistle
Centaurea solsitialis -- Yellow starthistle
Cirsium vulgare -- Bull thistle
Eragrostis curvula -- Weeping lovegrass
Euryops subcarnosa -- Sweet resinbush
Heterotheca subaxilaris -- Camphorweed
Kochia scoparia -- Kochia
Linaria genistifolia var. -- dalmatica - Dalmation toadflax
Melilotus officinalis -- Yellow sweet clover
Onopordum acanthium L. -- Scotch thistle
Parkinsonia aculeata -- Mexican palo verde
Pennisetum ciliare -- Buffelgrass
Pennisetum setaceum -- Fountaingrass
Salsola kali – Tumbleweed
Salvia aethiopis -- Mediterranean sage
Sorghum halepense -- Johnson grass
Tamarix spp -- Salt Cedar
Verbascum thapsus -- Mullein

For additional information, please visit:
Some of the plants listed are prohibited from entry into Arizona unless accompanied by the appropriate federal and state permits. Additional weed species are regulated by the federal government and may not be transported without specific permit. Please visit the Arizona Noxious Weeds List at the Arizona Department of Argriculture: Arizona is also under the jurisdiction of the federal noxious weed list


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