United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

MIRECC Centers

Homepage of the MIRECC, Sierra Pacific Network

Sierra Pacific 

Healthcare Network Logo

MIRECC was created in 1998 to coordinate state-of-the-art research and education to selected regions. The MIRECC at VISN21 is comprised of multiple cores and lead by Dr. Jerome Yesavage. We focus on PTSD and Alzheimer's research.

History of the VISN 21 MIRECC

Our goal is to match the treatments for mental illnesses to the personal characteristics of the individual veteran patient. Given the extensive array of behavioral and biological treatments now available for mental illnesses, we will emphasize how matching specific treatments to individual veterans can improve the quality of care afforded our veteran patients with mental illness.


Dr. Longo's Information:
New Alzheimer's Therapies: Current Status


Dr. Reisberg's Information
Clinical Stages of Alzheimer's Disease
Evidence and Mechanisms of Retrogenesis in Alzheimer's and other Dementias
Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)
Updates on Dementia 2007 Talk reference list


The following links are not on the VA server.

The ROC4 program (Receiver Operator Characteristic)
This software in the public domain and available for download.
ROC4 is designed to help the average clinician/researcher with a PC to evaluate clinical databases and discover the characteristics of patients, including genetics, that best predict a binary outcome. That outcome may be any binary outcome such as:
  • Whether or not the patient has a certain disorder (medical test evaluation) --Whether or not the patient is likely to develop a certain disorder (risk factor evaluation) --Whether or not the patient is likely to respond to a certain treatment (evaluation of treatment moderators)
  • When the predictors considered are themselves all binary (e.g., male/female; inpatient/outpatient; symptoms present/absent), the program identifies the optimal predictor. When one or more of the predictors are ordinal (e.g., age, severity of symptoms) it identifies the optimal cutpoint for each or the ordinal predictors, as well as the overall optimal predictor.


Geriatric Depression Scale
GDS test


Fellowships available at the VA


6/19/2008 - Updates on Dementia 2008 Presentation Files are available

7/24/2007 - Updates on Dementia 2007 Video Coverage is available

5/30/2007 - Speaker's additional information is available

5/28/2007 - Updates on Dementia 2007 Info and Presentations posted

Disclaimer: The information on this site should be considered for informational purposes only. All content should not be considered medical, legal or financial advice, nor should it be used as such. Content are the express views of individuals only. For specific medical, legal or financial opinions, please consult your physician, attorney or financial planner.