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Press Releases - January 1 - March 31, 2002

March 21 - NYPA Trustees to Meet March 26

March 19 - Boating, Fishing Rules at Power Project

March 13 - NYPA to Cut Energy Use in Half at its White Plains Offices: Initiatives Address Governor’s Energy-saving Goal

March 11 - Zeltmann, NYPA President, Cites Need for Clean New Power Plants

March 8 -NYPA Seeks Federal Approval of Alternative Licensing Approach for Niagara Project: Goal is to Ensure Early Public Participation in Process

March 5 - NYPA President Zeltmann Urges Three-Part Energy Strategy

February 22 - NYPA Trustees to Meet February 26

February 15 - Watertown Ceremony Marks Completion of City Energy Efficiency Renovations

February 6 - Co-Employees of the Year 2001, Employee of Fourth Quarter Selected at Blenheim-Gilboa Power Project

February 6 - Replacement Power Information Sessions to be Held in Niagara Falls, Buffalo

January 23 - NYPA Trustees to Meet January 29

January 17 -  NYPA Provides New York State with Improved Power Reliability and Lower Utility Bills in 2001

January 15 - Power Authority Trustees to Meet

January 10 - New Record Set by Crane at NYPA’s Niagara Project


For the Press:

Specific contact information is included on each press release.

24-hour contact (press inquiries only):

Jack Murphy
home - 914-739-3369
work - 914-390-8198

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