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Keeping our islands safe from outside pests is a full time job. Here are some links that might help in your attempts to manage outbreaks of different pests.



Animal Pests (Includes information on vertebrate fauna)


Weed Pests (Includes information on non-indigenous plants)


Non-native Insects and Other Invertebrates


Introduced Marine Pests 

bulletSupport Sites

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Animal Pests

America's Least Wanted: Alien Species Invasions of U.S. Ecosystems
A publication of The Nature Conservancy.

Environment Australia
The Endangered Species Program of Environment Australia aims to prevent further extinctions of Australian fauna and flora, and to restore endangered species and ecological communities to a secure status in the wild. One way is through threat abatement plans for species such as feral cats, rabbits, and goats.

Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in the United States
"An assessment of harmful, non-indigenous species in the U.S., technological issues regarding decision-making and species management, and institutional and policy framework."

Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR)
"Provides technology, methods, and information to decision-makers, resource managers, and the general public to aid in the fight against harmful alien species in Hawaii and the Pacific." 

National Biological Information Infrastructure
"The NBII is an electronic gateway to biological data and information maintained by federal, state, and local government agencies; private sector organizations; and other partners around the nation and the world."

NBII: Invasive Species
Fact sheets on terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals.

Vertebrate Pest Research Unit (VPRU)
"The VPRU conducts research and develops programs to reduce the impact of vertebrate pests such as rabbits, foxes, feral goats and wild pigs on agricultural production [in Australia]. The unit serves the needs of all land managers including graziers, farmers, foresters and national parks personnel."

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Weed Pests

Aliens-l list
A listserver of the Invasive Species Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. The group aims to "reduce the threats posed by invasive species to natural ecosystems and their native species, through increasing awareness of invasive species and means of controlling or eradicating them. To join, email: with the text "subscribe Aliens-l" in the message section.

Biological Control of Non-Indigenous Plant Species
Program was established to improve the scientific basis of biological weed control and to help develop and implement biological controls for problem plants in natural areas.

California Exotic Pest Plant Council 
CalEPPC is dedicated to finding solutions to problems caused by non-native pest plant invasions of the state's natural areas."

Colorado State University Cooperative Extension
Contains natural resource publications covering weed control for Forestry, Range, and Wildlife.

Hawaiian Alien Plant Studies
A forum to promote public awareness and exchange of information regarding problems associated with the spread of alien plant species (weeds).

INVADERS Database System
A comprehensive database of exotic plant names and distribution information for early detection, alert, and tracking of invasive alien plants and weedy natives for the Northwestern U.S. (ID, MT, OR, WA, WY). 

Invasive Plants of Canada Project
IPCAN project promotes a better understanding of the problems posed by invasive plants in Canada. A variety of documents, such as fact sheets and survey reports have been prepared and are available for downloading.

The Nature Conservancy - Element Stewardship Abstracts - Exotic Pest Plants
"Provides current management related information on those species and communities that are most important to protect, or most important to control. The abstracts organize and summarize data from numerous sources including literature and researchers and managers actively working with the species or community."

The Invasive Woody Plants in the Tropics
A research group, based at the University of Wales, UK, has undertaken two major field studies in Jamaica and Tanzania, together with a global review of invasions resulting in a comprehensive database, an analysis of common characteristics and recommendations for management and control."

NRCS Invasive Plants
Natural Resources Conservation Service's site for viewing Federal and state noxious weed lists, an invasive plant list, or an introduced plant list, each with links to more information.

Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)
Listings and descriptions of plant species that threaten Pacific island ecosystems, particularly those of Micronesia, American Samoa and Niue. 

Purple Loosestrife Management
Links to information about Purple Loosestrife.

Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse
Information for exotic plant species that are a threat in the Southwest.

Tasmanian Weed Management Strategy
"A strategic plan for the management of weeds in Tasmania. It aims to co-ordinate the individual efforts of the many people involved in weed control to minimise the harmful effects of weeds on the sustainability of Tasmania's productive capacity and natural ecosystems."

The Tamar Valley Weed Strategy
A community based organization that is trying to combat the spread of weeds within the Tamar Valley region, Australia.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Invasive Species Program
USFWS participates in activities " prevent and control invasive plant and animal species that severely impact the lands and waters of the United States, including resources managed within the National Wildlife Refuge System."

USDA APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine Noxious Weeds Home Page
Information about noxious weeds and their control and eradication. 

Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas
"A web-based project of the Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group, that provides information for the general public, land managers, researchers, and others on the serious threat and impacts of invasive alien plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States."

Weeds in New Zealand
"Weed Control Manual for Auckland designed to help you recognize and control weeds that occur in this area and only weeds which are a threat to environmental values or which we are obliged to control by statute."

Weed Management Guide
Principles of Weed Control; herbicide application; equipment and techniques; poisonous plants; weed control in fruit and nut crops, field crops and pasture grasses.

Weed Science Group
"Aim is to provide extension information on weeds and their management; minimize the detrimental effects of weeds on agricultural production; and ensure that weed control measures have minimal impact on agricultural systems and the environment [in Australia]."

World Weeds Database
"The World Weeds Database displays information of over 2400 weed species around the world according of its rank of

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Non-native insects and other invertebrates

Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey & National Agricultural Pest Information System Page
Pest information listed by common names.

Non-Native Ants
This site presents the known names and geographic distribution data of the known non-native ant species of the world.


Insect Pests of Micronesia

This online database contains data, pictures and control measures.


Pacific Islands Distance Diagnostic and Recommendation System (PIDDRS)

This online services allows for individuals to submit pictures for evaluation and recommendation.  PIDDRS also includes an archive of names, pictures, and control measures.

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Introduced marine pests 

Group on Aquatic Alien Species (GAAS)
Perform basic and applied research in the field of biological invasions, with emphasis on the Baltic and Caspian Seas and large European lakes (Ladoga, Onega, Peipsi).

Mississippi State University Extension Service: Coastal Research and Extension Center
Information about aquatic nuisance species

NBII: Invasive Species
Fact sheets on the Asian swamp eel (Synbranchidae) and the Zebra mussel (Dreissenia polymorpha)

National Marine Invasions Center and Invasions Research
Projects under the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) to address a broad range of issues in marine and estuarine invasion biology.

Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS) 
A national information center that contains a comprehensive collection of research publications and education materials produced by Sea Grant programs and other research institutions across the country on aquatic nuisance species.

Sea Grant's National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse 
"North America's most extensive technical library of publications related to the spread, biology, impacts and control of zebra mussels and other important aquatic nuisance, non-indigenous and invasive species."

USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
"Provided are scientific reports, online/realtime queries,
spatial data sets, regional contact lists, and general information. The data is made available for use by biologists, interagency groups, and the general public. The geographical coverage is the U.S."

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Support Sites

Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America
This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America.

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service National Biological Control Institute
Promotes, facilitates, and provides leadership for biological control.

USDA APHIS (Animal Plant Health Inspection Service)
"APHIS provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants, improving agricultural productivity and competitiveness, and contributing to the national economy and the public health."

Bureau of Land Management Environmental Education Homepage

Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer "CPITT develops products to inform, educate and train students, practitioners and others involved in agricultural and natural resource management, particularly pest management." 

SPC Plant Protection Service

"The PPS has been in existence since 1950 and is based at SPC's Suva site. PPS works with national agriculture ministries to reduce the impact of pests, diseases and weeds in all South Pacific countries and territories with a focus on the 3Ps' of Pacific Plant Protection: Prevention, Preparedness and Pest management."

The Weed Management Society of South Australia


Agriculture Development in the American Pacific (ADAP) project
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