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Congressional Documents: Featured Senate Documents

110th Congress (2007-2008)

S. Pub. 110-18 - Presidents Pro Tempore of the United 
            States Senate Since 1789 S. Pub. 110-18 - Presidents Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Since 1789 | Browse PDFs
S. Doc. 110-14 - Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 1867-2008 S. Doc. 110-14 - Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 1867-2008 | Browse PDFs
S. Doc. 110-9 - Standing Rules of the Senate, Revised to September 14, 2007. S. Doc. 110-9 - Standing Rules of the Senate, Revised to September 14, 2007
S. Doc. 110-1 - Senate Manual. S. Doc. 110-1 - Senate Manual Containing the Standing Rules, Orders, Laws, and Resolutions Affecting the Business of the U.S. Senate | Browse PDFs

109th Congress (2005-2006)

S. Doc. 109-22 - National Debate Topic for High Schools, 2005-2006. S. Doc. 109-22 - National Debate Topic for High Schools, 2005-2006
S. Doc. 109-19 - A Botanic Garden for the Nation S. Doc. 109-19 - A Botanic Garden for the Nation | Browse PDFs
S. Doc. 109-18 - Our Flag S. Doc. 109-18 - Our Flag
200 Notable Days: Senate Stories, 1787 to 2002 200 Notable Days: Senate Stories, 1787 to 2002 | Browse PDFs
S. Doc. 109-10 - Senate Election Law Guidebook 2006. S. Doc. 109-10 - Senate Election Law Guidebook 2006
S. Doc. 109-5 - Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 138th Anniversary, 1867-2005 S. Doc. 109-5 - Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 138th Anniversary, 1867-2005
TEXT (433 KB) | Browse PDFs
S. Doc. 109-2 - United States Senate Catalogue of Graphic Art S. Doc. 109-2 - United States Senate Catalogue of Graphic Art | Browse PDFs

108th Congress (2003-2004)

Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 108th Congress, 1st Session. S. Doc. 108-11 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 108th Congress, 1st Session, January 7, 2003 to December 8, 2003, Vols. 1 & 2
S. Doc. 108-16, Maiden Speeches of U.S. Senators in the 108th Congress of the United States. S. Doc. 108-16 - Maiden Speeches of U.S. Senators in the 108th Congress of the United States
National Debate Topics for High Schools. National Debate Topics for High Schools

107th Congress (2001-2002)

Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 107th Congress, 2d Session. S. Doc. 107-18 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 107th Congress, 2d Session, January 23, 2002 to November 22, 2002, Vols. 1 & 2
Senate Catalog of Fine Arts. S. Doc. 107-11 - United States Senate Catalogue of Fine Art
Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 107th Congress, 1st Session. S. Doc. 107-8 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 107th Congress, 1st Session, January 3, 2001 to December 20, 2001, Vols. 1 & 2

106th Congress (1999-2000)

The Continued Threat of Corruption to U.S. Border Law Enforcement Agencies. S. Doc. 106-158 - The Continued Threat of Corruption to U.S. Border Law Enforcement Agencies
Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 106th Congress, 2nd Session. S. Doc. 106-30 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 106th Congress, 2nd Session, January 24, 2000 to December 15, 2000, Vols. 1 & 2
History of the U.S. Capitol. S. Doc. 106-29 - History of the United States Capitol: A Chronicle of Design, Construction, and Politics
Washington's Farewell Address. S. Doc. 106-21 - Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States
Capitol Builder. S. Doc. 106-20 - Capitol Builder: The Shorthand Journals of Montgomery C. Meigs, 1853-1859, 1861
Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 106th Congress, 1st Session. S. Doc. 106-13 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 106th Congress, 1st Session, January 6, 1999 to November 22, 1999, Vols. 1 & 2

105th Congress (1997-1998)

Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 105th Congress, 2d Session. S. Doc. 105-37 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 105th Congress, 2d Session, January 27, 1998 to December 19, 1998, Vols. 1 & 2
The U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 1825-1998. S. Doc. 105-24 - The United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 1825 - 1998
The United States Capitol and Congress. S. Doc. 105-23 - The United States Capitol and Congress
Minutes of the Senate Democratic Conference, 1903-1964. S. Doc. 105-20 - Minutes of the Senate Democratic Conference, 1903-1964
Minutes of the Senate Republican Conference, 1911-1964. S. Doc. 105-19 - Minutes of the Senate Republican Conference, 1911-1964
Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 105th Congress, 1st Session. S. Doc. 105-18 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 105th Congress, 1st Session, January 7, 1997 to November 13, 1997, Vols. 1 & 2
How Our Laws Are Made. S. Doc. 105-14 - How Our Laws Are Made
The U.S. Constitution With the Declaration of Independence. S. Doc. 105-11 - The U.S. Constitution With the Declaration of Independence
Text | PDF
Dedication and Unveiling of the Statue of Richard Brevard Russell, Jr. S. Doc. 105-8 - Dedication and Unveiling of the Statue of Richard Brevard Russell, Jr.
A History of the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee 1947-1997. S. Doc. 105-5 - A History of the United States Senate Republican Policy Committee 1947-1997
Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. S. Doc. 105-2 - Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy

104th Congress (1995-1996)

Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 104th Congress, 2d Session. S. Doc. 104-31 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 104th Congress, 2d Session, January 3, 1996 to October 4, 1996, Vols. 1 & 2
Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 104th Congress, 1st Session. S. Doc. 104-13 - Appropriations, Budget Estimates, Etc., 104th Congress, 1st Session, January 4, 1995 to January 3, 1996, Vols. 1 & 2

103rd Congress (1993-1994)

Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol. S. Doc. 103-27 - Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol