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Biased Briefing Vote Results

Once again you have front loaded the voting results by allowing voting directly from the list of most popular entries.  The results being so biased against later entries that the resulting rankings are completely unreliable as an indicator of which topics are actually most important to participants much less to the American public.  To achieve a more accurate vote, up or down voting on the lists should not be allowed.  Voting should be only on questions randomly selected from all entries, a minimum number of votes should be cast (perhaps 100) before an entry is placed on the most popular list, and rankings should be on the percentage of up/down votes.  Hopefully you will be able to emplement changes such as these and produce a more representative picture of America's concerns.  Other than that, what you've been doing is really super, thanks!


Barry Schmittou
1/13/2009 5:49 PM

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I think there should be no voting down at all, because that would allow special interests to rally their greedy friends to vote and kill anything that challenged their stronghold.

I have no legal training, but it seems that since President Obama will supposedly be given the top results, from what can easily become a very questionable popularity contest, those of us who do not have our information viewed by President Obama might be able to challenge under due process, or unfair denial of having our comments viewed by the President.

If President Obama will really consider our ideas, this is a tremendously valuable process, and no one should be denied access to the president unfairly because of this unusual internet vote. There are about 3000 posts now, and any good business manager could do a crash brief of that amount or 3 times that many and then go more in depth on what he choses to. A lot of the posts I've seen are in regards to the same issue.

I hope you will click on my name and see the post I entered about Obama blocking my commentson the "Seat at the Table". I have posted proof of widespread fraud that insurance companies are involved in where they intentionally ignore life threatening conditions, but even though the "Seat at the Table" part of the site says to split comments into shorter segments, I have been blocked on numerous occasions, while the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has unlimited access to post full length documents and they are very suspect because they have U.S. Supreme Court briefs in support of one of the insurance companies involved in the dangerous health care fraud (Metlife).

If the Obama team is really for justice they should be calling me very soon and begin RICO prosecution on Metlife and others. I have had a U.S. Magistrate Judge write that I have more than sufficiently alleged fraud against Metlife, but Bush's FBI would do nothing. Thanks again for your post here, you have my vote up !! You can click on my name to see more or go to

I have had cancer burned from inside my eye and it is crazy for me to keep seeking justice for all those whose lives are being destroyed, but I am very obsessed with seeing Justice in America, especially since our gloabl leaders seem to have become the police for the world. God bless you, and good luck !!!!

Barry Schmittou
1/13/2009 5:54 PM
Sorry I mispelled some things, my vision never sets still. My full evidence is on and I think my post on this part of Obama's site can be seen by clicking on my name and then scroll and look at my activity.
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