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Health care needs to include dental care

 I am a 69 year old man living on the rapidly diminishing income from my retirement savings. I get social security and qualify for medicare. I take reasonable care of myself and I had confidence that I would be able to get some affordable emergency health care if I needed it.

Yesterday I went to see the dentist and learned that I must immediately have laser and bone graft surgery. It is going to cost several thousand dollars in the next couple of months - and nothing is covered by my insurance. A quarter of my disposable income for the year is gone! We need not just health care but also dental care!!

1 Comment  »  Posted by Dr.yes to Economy, Health Care, Veterans on 1/13/2009 4:02 PM


1/13/2009 4:40 PM
I agree. I'm 66 and have Medicare plus a reasonably good secondary retiree insurance plan provided by my company. But, there is no dental coverage, except for reconstructive surgury required by injury due to accidents. If I am injured in an auto accident and reuire replacement of all my teeth withimplants, then at leaast 80% of the cost is paid. If I need root canals and crowns, I have to pay 100% of the cost. Is this fair? two years ago, I had out of pocket dental costs of over $6,000. Last year it was about $3000. This is not a good deal when I am living on a fixed income.

It is time that dental, and while we are at it, all hearing and all eye care expenses are covered by health insurance plans, including Medicare.
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