April 2, 2002
News Release 02-026
Inv. No. 731-TA-925 (F)


The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) today determined that an industry in the United States is not materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of greenhouse tomatoes from Canada that the Department of Commerce has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value.

Chairman Stephen Koplan, Vice Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun, and Commissioners Marcia E. Miller and Jennifer A. Hillman found the appropriate domestic like product in this investigation to consist of all fresh market tomatoes and voted in the negative. Commissioner Lynn M. Bragg voted in the affirmative.

As a result of the Commission's negative determination, no antidumping duties will be imposed on imports of this product from Canada.

The Commission's public report Greenhouse Tomatoes from Canada, (Inv. No. 731-TA-925 (Final), USITC Publication 3499, April 2002) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigation.

Copies may be obtained after April 25, 2002, by calling 202-205-1809 or from the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be made by fax to 202- 205-2104.

Office of Industries
Washington, DC 20436


Greenhouse Tomatoes from Canada
Investigation No. 731-TA-925 (Final)

Product Description: The imported products covered by the scope of this investigation are all fresh or chilled tomatoes grown in greenhouses in Canada. The tomatoes subject to this investigation are provided for in subheadings 0702.00.20, 0702.00.40, and 0702.00.60 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS). The Commission majority found the appropriate domestic like product to consist of all fresh market tomatoes.

Status of Proceedings:

1.  Type of investigation:  Final antidumping.
2.  Petitioners:  Carolina Hydroponic Growers, Inc.; Eurofresh, Inc.; Hydro Age; Sun Blest
      Management; Sun Blest Farms; and Village Farms, LP.
3.  Investigation instituted by USITC:  March 28, 2001.
4.  Hearing:  February 21, 2002.
5.  USITC vote:  April 2, 2002.
6.  USITC notification of Department of Commerce:  April 11, 2002.

U.S. Industry:

1.  Number of responding producers in 2001:  26.
2.  Production volume is concentrated in:  California and Florida.
3.  U.S. production in 2001:  3.9 billion pounds.
4.  U.S. apparent consumption in 2001:  5.3 billion pounds (valued at $2.0 billion).
5.  Ratio of quantity of total imports to U.S. apparent consumption in 2001:  34.0 percent.

U.S. Imports:

1.  Quantity of subject imports from Canada in 2001: (1) 
2.  Value of subject imports from Canada in 2001: (1)
(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.

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