December 5, 2000
News Release 00-149
Inv. No. 332-411


The trend toward regulatory and structural market reforms in foreign electric power markets fosters international trade in services, reports the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in its study Electric Power Services: Recent Reforms in Selected Foreign Markets.

The ITC, an independent, nonpartisan, factfinding federal agency, conducted the investigation for the United States Trade Representative (USTR). The report examines the nature and extent of electric power industry reforms in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the European Union, Japan, New Zealand, and Venezuela. Highlights of the report follow.

Electric Power Services: Recent Reforms in Selected Foreign Markets (Investigation No. 332-411, USITC publication 3370, November 2000) will be posted in the Publications and Reports area of the ITC Internet site at A printed copy may be requested by calling 202-205-1809 or by writing the Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC, 20436. Requests may also be made by fax to 202-205-2104.

ITC general factfinding investigations, such as this one, cover matters related to tariffs or trade. The investigations are generally conducted at the request of USTR, the Senate Committee on Finance, or the House Committee on Ways and Means; the ITC may also self-initiate investigations. The resulting reports convey the Commission's objective findings and independent analyses on the subjects investigated. The Commission makes no recommendations on policy or other matters in its general factfinding reports. Upon completion of each investigation, the ITC submits its findings and analyses to the requester. General factfinding investigation reports are subsequently released to the public, unless they are classified by the requester for national security reasons.

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