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Export Import Bank of the United States




Products & Policies | Ex-Im Bank Policies | Nuclear

Nuclear Screening Document - Annex B


Ex-Im Bank will screen all applications involving the sale of nuclear-related products and services, or other exports for a nuclear facility. The information you provide in this form will help Ex-Im Bank to determine the proper Category for your application, a process that is crucial to the appropriate and timely review of your application. Please check the boxes that apply to your application. 

Yes Yes No No    Are the products or services covered in your application destined for an identified project?

  If so, identify the project____________________________________
  If not, explain ______________________________________
  Please provide the location of the project, in as much detail as possible
(city,province or state, country, distance from nearest major city)

Check the appropriate section that describes the transaction and provide the requested information:

Exports for a Nuclear Power Plant, other than Fuel Reloads
Is this a new project?____ a partially built project?____ a retrofit of an existing plant?___
Reactor Type (PWR, BWR, etc.) & Plant Capacity (MW)___________________________
Manufacturer of reactor or NSSS & Model No. ___________________________________
Location of reactor or NSSS manufacturer________________________________________
Description of proposed U.S. export_____________________________________________
 Reactor Type (PWR,BWR,etc.) & Plant Capacity (MW) ____________________
 Manufacturer of reactor or NSSS & Model NO. ___________________________
Exports for a Research Reactor or Related Facility
 Reactor Type & Model NO. __________________________________________
 Manufacturer__________________________ ___________________________

 Type of Equipment_______________________________________________
 Manufacturer_______________________________ ____________________

Name of Applicant____________________________________ Date__________________

For inquiries and information please contact the Engineering & Environment Division at (202)565-3570.

Export-Import Bank of the United States
Revised : August 3, 2004




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