
When accidents happen with chemicals or medicine, call Poison Help (1-800-222-1222) to contact your local poison center. Get help right away from a nurse, pharmacist, or other poison expert. Poison centers provide you with help for free.
If you are like most people, you worry about threats from others and from the outside world. You may worry about having a car crash or slipping on ice. You may worry about being attacked by a stranger. But you probably don’t worry about being poisoned. You probably think poisons aren’t a serious threat. But are they?
Yes. They are. The fact is we are all at risk of poisoning. Poisonings can happen to anyone—even you. For detailed information about poisonings, check out FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and The Facts about Poisonings and Poison Safety.
By knowing what to do, you and your family can remain safe. Make sure you know (1) how to prevent poisoning, (2) how to recognize poisons around your home, and (3) what to do in a poison emergency.
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