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Botany > Regional treatment (floras) > Australasia / Oceania
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Flora of Australia online website has provided this online resource on the plants found on the Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. Originally published in volume 49 of ‘Flora of Australia’ this database has a number of search options, including family, genus, species and common name. The search facility includes instructions. This site also provides access to a higher level key and species list, as well as published and online contributors. Links are also provided to ABRS glossaries and other volumes of the flora online.
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
Blue Mountains City Council have provided this website on weeds of the Blue Mountains bushland. Information is given on how weeds invade, noxious weeds and weed control, as well as the organisation, Bushcare, which was established to promote ecologically sound management of bushland within the City of Blue Mountains. A glossary of terms is provided with links to other sites and a reading list. Information on individual weeds, and how to control them, can be found by clicking on an image in the A-Z section of the identify your weeds section.
Type: Other educational materials; Subject guides
The new home page of the New Zealand Native Orchid Group (NZNOG) providing information about the Group and its activities, membership and publications. A member society of the Australian Orchid Council Inc., NZNOG aims to further the observation, study and conservation of New Zealand's native orchids. The site provides descriptions, photos and details about the locations of all recognised native New Zealand orchid species. Other information on the site include details about Orchid habitats and a list of threatened and uncommon orchids. Also available on the site are all the issues of the the group's quarterly Orchid Journal, starting with issue number 86 (March 2003).
Type: Non-profit organisations
The Hebe Society, founded in 1985, is a British registered charity formed for those interested in hebes, which now also supports the cultivation and conservation of all New Zealand plants. Their website provides information on membership, a calendar of events, as well as information on their magazine, 'Hebe News' with two sample articles from the latest issue. The plants section, which is organised alphabetically, contains information and photographs. There is also a useful FAQ and questions page.
Type: Non-profit organisations
The Gondwana Forest Sanctuary campaign started in 1998 in Chile, and now extending to New Zealand and Australia, with the aim of establishing an intercontinental sanctuary for the world's southernmost forests with evolutionary roots on the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana, particularly the Nothofagus genus, or southern Beech. Their website provides information on recent news in the 'Whats New' section, together with reports on their various campaigns, and links to other relevant campaigns.
Type: HLS general
The NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service has provided this searchable atlas of New South Wales plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and endangered invertebrates. Although not a comprehensive inventory of animals and wildlife, their search facility enables searches by species name or type, as well as those with threatened status, and either all records, or those dating from 1980. The search results provide links to view the relevant maps in the database.
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
The above organisation was set up to combat the spread of weeds within the Tamar Valley region of Tasmania, Australia. Although the site has not been updated recently there is useful information on problem plants and biological control. There are fact sheets for many of the weeds that are having a negative impact on the environment in Tasmania and other parts of Australia. Each fact sheet contains an image and description, distribution in Tasmania, a checklist of impacts and advice on control. The biological control pages offer information on agents that can be used to control some weed species. Agents featured include the dock moth and slender thistle rust.
Type: Other organisations
Although not recently updated this site contains good quality colour photographs of wildflowers mainly blooming in the central part of Japan. Clicking on the family name leads to a brief description of habitat, together with the Japanese name for the individual plant and the image. Links are provided to other relevant sites. This resource is also available in Japanese.
Type: Images
This site aims to tell you about just some of the animals and plants that are part of New Zealand's unique biodiversity. You can chose which animal or plant you want to learn about from the list or the images. Each record contains lots of general information about the species, plus links and references for further information. These pages complement an exhibition held at Te Papa, New Zealand's national museum.
Type: Learning materials
The home page of the Tropical and Subtropical Weeds Research Unit of The University of Queensland, Australia, provides information on personnel, a listing of relevant publications and newsletters, and details of past and forthcoming conferences. The education page gives details of the degree courses, including short courses, offered by the university. Research projects are described, although a number of these pages are still under construction. Links to relevant national and international sites are provided.
Type: Other organisations
When this resource was first written (1997) the yellow hyacinth orchid (Dipodium hamiltonianum) had a total population of only 105 plants in Victoria, Australia. It is therefore vulnerable to extinction in this State. The Department of Sustainability and Environment has put together this threatened species information sheet. It contains information on distribution, conservation, management and legislation. Contact details are given for further information, together with references for further reading.
Type: Papers/reports/articles (individual)
This website provides descriptions, photographs, and animations of plants found in New Zealand. The plants are organised under the headings: bryophytes, ferns and seed plants. The pages on seed plants and Maori uses are presently under construction (Feb 2005). Other illustrated pages look at plant structure and you can take a photo tour of New Zealand via an interactive map. The site is designed as a resource for students, teachers and the general public, and is sponsored by the University of Auckland.
Type: HLS general
The journal above from the Royal Society of New Zealand publishes original research papers on the science of New Zealand and the Pacific region, including Antarctica. It covers a diverse range of subjects including palaeontology, animal and plant biology and ecology, taxonomy, genetics and conservation, to name but a few. This site offers free access to the contents and abstracts from Volume 24. No. 1 March 1994 to date, full access is available only upon subscription. Other sections include information for authors, subscription details and a guide for referees.
Type: Journals - contents and abstracts
Greening Australia is a membership-based organisation dedicated to restoring ecology and repairing environmental damage in Australia, and their website provides a range of information relating to 26 years of working for the Australian environment, including a four minute video. Videos are also provided on their project work, such as the Hawkesbury-Nepean river recovery. The organisation has provided access to its collective knowledge on vegetation management via an online database.
Type: Other organisations
Project Crimson, established in 1990, is a charitable conservation Trust that aims to protect New Zealand's native Christmas trees - pohutukawa and rata. The site provides information on team members, partners, sponsors and the background to the project, which developed as a response to the disappearance of most of the coastal pohutukawa stands. Fact sheets are offered for the pothutukawa, northern rata and southern rata, plus information on how to grow your own plants (PDF). Also focused on are the threats to these native plants, namely possums and clearance for farmland and building developments. Other sections include FAQs, newsletters (PDF), and 'Crimson trails' which is a selection of walks, hikes and drives around New Zealand where you will come across the Christmas trees (PDFs).
Type: Projects
The information on this website has been produced as part of the Auckland Regional Council's pest management strategy (2002-2007) that is to be carried out under the Biosecurity Act of 1993. The site lists a series of introduced plants that are considered pests in the Auckland region and require control. Fact sheets are offered for many of the species including blackberry, gorse and broom. Some of the PDF fact sheets display in their leaflet form, this must be taken into account when reading the information on screen. The Auckland Regional Pest Management strategy 2002-2007 can also be downloaded from this page (PDF).
Type: Papers/reports/articles (individual)
From the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government, Australia, this Web page hosts a series of pest plant fact sheets (PDFs). Each set of notes includes illustrations, a description, the plant's distribution and habitat, the problems it causes and method of control. The fact sheets are presented on the site as a list of common names in alphabetical order and include introduced species such as alligator weed and prickly pear.
Type: Papers/reports/articles (individual)
This search engine retrieves information from the AMANI (Australian Marine Algal Name Index) database, either by hierarchical search of algal names, direct search for algae by typing algae names, or a search for algae found in particular geographical regions of Australia. Results offer information on taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution in Australia and worldwide. The interface, set up by Murdoch University in Perth is still in development and suggestions for its improvement are invited. Last updated May 2006
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
A project from the Australian Biological Resources Study of the Australian Government's Department of the Environment and Water Resources that aims to build a collection of useful descriptions on Australian species. The species records that have already been placed in the bank are searchable by browsing through a list of scientific or common names divided by phylum. Clicking on the scientific name links to information on biology, ecology and threats plus a distribution map, images and video clips when available. At present only certain groups are represented with more records to be added in the future.
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
The Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry has established the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) project to provide information on invasive plant species that threaten natural ecosystems in the Pacific. Reports on invasive species are organised under each island, and risk assessments for the listed species and some non-listed ones, are grouped by scientific name. A downloadable 'toolkit of best prevention and management practices' is available. Information is also provided about the PIER project, how to use PIER, partners in the project and related sites. A copy of PIER on CD-ROM can be ordered online through this Web page. These pages are hosted on the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project (HEAR) website.
Type: Papers/reports/articles (collections); Research centres and projects
Images of the vascular plants of the Hawaiian Islands can be browsed in the thumbnail gallery, or the database can be searched under family, genus, species or common name. This database has been compiled by the Department of Systematic Biology at the Smithsonian Institution.
Type: Images
This database, hosted by the Department of Systematic Biology, Smithsonian Institution, provides access to taxonomic or geographical information on Hawaiian vascular plants. Queries can result in a simple checklist with island distribution to information on names, types, identifying characteristics, and images. The checklist consists of 151 families, 777 genera and 2,325 taxa of flowering plants, and 27 families, 72 genera and 214 taxa of ferns and related groups, although work is still underway to verify type collection records and publication information. A links page to other sites on Hawaiian plants is also available. It is proposed to enhance the site by adding specimen information from collections in the United States National Herbarium, synonyms for naturalized plants, images for all species, descriptions, and a bibliography of publications on Hawaiian plants. The long-term goal is to expand the scope of their flora project to eventually provide the Internet community with the most complete reference on the flora of oceanic islands of the Pacific Basin.
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
This site, one component of the 'Flora of the Marquesas Project' of the United States National Herbarium and the National Tropical Botanical Garden, provides a query tool to access taxonomic or geographical information on Marquesas vascular plants. The checklist, still in development, currently consists of 104 families, 364 genera and 597 taxa of flowering plants, and 27 families, 55 genera and 117 taxa of ferns and related groups. It is also possible to query 8,900 database records of Marquesas specimens located in herbaria throughout the world, and access a gallery of 1575 images.
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
What's Its Name? (WIN) is the publicly searchable interface of the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) and is a collaborative project of the Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian National Botanic Gardens and the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research. The database can be searched by plant name or family name and provides information on nomenclature, status and full references to the information source. Links from the plant names take you to the more extensive entry of the APNI.
Type: Non-bibliographic databases
Compiled by Shirley Kerr, a science teacher at Katikati College, New Zealand, this website offers a stimulating introduction to the fungi, native flora and fauna of the Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park. The site includes browsable descriptions and photographs of mosses and liverworts, fungi, orchids, ferns and lichens seen in the park by the site author. A guide (for non-botanists) on how to distinguish between a moss and a liverwort is provided. The site concludes with a look at walking opportunities in the Katikati area of the Kaimai Ranges.
Type: Resource guides and directories

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