Law Enforcement
Alaska Region   


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Special Agents of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have challenging and rewarding careers. They are trained criminal investigators who enforce Federal wildlife laws throughout the United States. special agent badge image

Special agents conduct law enforcement investigations that may include activities such as surveillance, undercover work, making arrests, and preparing cases for court.

They often work with other Federal, tribal, foreign, state, or local law enforcement authorities. Special agents enforce traditional migratory bird regulations and investigate major commercial activities involving illegal trade in protected wildlife. Some agents work at border ports where they enforce Federal laws protecting domestic and foreign wildlife species that enter into interstate and international commerce.

Wildlife Inspectors of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are the Nation's front-line defense against the illegal wildlife trade--a criminal enterprise that threatens species worldwide. These professional import/export control officers ensure that wildlife shipments comply with U.S. and international wildlife protection laws.badge image

Stationed at the Nation's major international airports, ocean ports, and border crossings, wildlife inspectors monitor an annual trade worth more than $1 billion. They stop illegal shipments, intercept smuggled wildlife and wildlife products, and help the United States fulfill its commitment to global wildlife conservation.


Last updated: May 19, 2008
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