President Gerald R. Ford Photographs
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Gerald R. Ford Library & Museum  

Fall of Saigon Meetings, March-April 1975

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President Ford meets with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Army Chief of Staff General Frederick Weyand, and Graham Martin, Ambassador to Vietnam, in the Oval Office
Image: A3779-08

Description: President Gerald R. Ford meets with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Army Chief of Staff General Frederick Weyand, and Graham Martin, Ambassador to Vietnam, in the Oval Office. March 25, 1975.

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President Ford carries a Vietnamese baby from “Clipper 1742," one of the Operation Babylift planes that transported approximately 325 South Vietnamese orphans from Saigon to the United States.  San Francisco International Airport. April 5, 1975.
Image: A3860-28A

Description: President Ford carries a Vietnamese baby from “Clipper 1742," one of the Operation Babylift planes that transported approximately 325 South Vietnamese orphans from Saigon to the United States.  San Francisco International Airport. April 5, 1975.

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President Ford briefs the Republican Congressional Leadership on the situation in Indochina. Defense Secretary James Schlesinger and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger are seated at the far end of the table.  Cabinet Room.  April 22, 1975.

Image: A4141-09A

Description: President Ford briefs the Republican Congressional Leadership on the situation in Indochina. April 22, 1975.

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President Ford declares that the Vietnam War “is finished as far as America is concerned” during his Convocation Address at Tulane University in New Orleans. Tulane University Field House  April 23, 1975.
Image: A4176-06

Description: President Ford declares that the Vietnam War “is finished as far as America is concerned” during his Convocation Address at Tulane University in New Orleans. April 23, 1975.   

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President Ford discusses the evacuation of Saigon with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and his Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Brent Scowcroft during a late night meeting in the White House residence. April 28, 1975. Image: A4233-07A

Description: President Ford discusses the evacuation of Saigon with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Brent Scowcroft during a late night meeting in the White House residence. April 28, 1975.

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President Ford presides over a National Security Council meeting on the situation on Vietnam.  Roosevelt Room.   April 28, 1975.

Image: A4234-11A

Description: President Ford presides over a National Security Council meeting on the situation on Vietnam. April 28, 1975.

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President Ford meets in the Oval Office with Secretary Kissinger and Vice President Rockefeller to discuss the American evacuation of Saigon
Image: A4241-30A

Description: President Ford meets in the Oval Office with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Vice President Rockefeller to discuss the American evacuation of Saigon. April 28, 1975.

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Secretary of State Henry Kissinger interrupts a meeting with senior advisers to relay the latest information on the U.S. evacuation of Saigon.  Oval Office.  April 29, 1975. Image: A4266-27

Description: Secretary of State Henry Kissinger interrupts a meeting with senior advisers to relay the latest information on the U.S. evacuation of Saigon.  April 29, 1975.

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President Ford, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger (left) and Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger (right) at a meeting with bipartisan congressional leaders to discuss the situation in South Vietnam.  Cabinet Room.  April 29, 1975. Image: A4283-25A

Description: President Ford, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger (left) and Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger (right) at a meeting with bipartisan congressional leaders to discuss the situation in South Vietnam. April 29, 1975.

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