President Gerald R. Ford Photographs
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Gerald R. Ford Library & Museum  
Mayaguez Incident (Ship Seizure)

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President Ford makes a point during a National Security Council meeting during the Mayaguez crisis
Image: A4509-13A

Description: President Ford makes a point during a National Security Council meeting during the Mayaguez crisis. May 13, 1975.

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Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General David C. Jones (USAF) points to a map of the Cambodian coastal region at a late night National Security Council meeting on the seizure of the American merchant ship S.S. Mayaguez by Cambodian gunboats.
Image: A4513-10A

Description: Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General David C. Jones (USAF) points to a map of the Cambodian coastal region at a late night National Security Council meeting on the seizure of the American merchant ship S.S. Mayaguez by Cambodian gunboats. May 13, 1975.

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Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller observes a map presentation by Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David C. Jones (USAF) at a National Security Council meeting  on the Mayaguez situation.
Image: A4527-19

Description: Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller observes a map presentation by Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David C. Jones (USAF) at a National Security Council meeting  on the Mayaguez situation. May 14, 1975.

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Philip Buchen, Counsel to the President, Chief of Staff Donald H. Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger attend to a map presentation by Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David C. Jones (USAF) on the status of the rescue operation to gain the release of the crew of the S.S. Mayaguez.
Image: A4530-11

Description: Philip Buchen, Counsel to the President, Chief of Staff Donald H. Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger attend to a map presentation by Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David C. Jones (USAF) on the status of the rescue operation to gain the release of the crew of the S.S. Mayaguez. May 14, 1975.

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President Ford points to a map of the Cambodian coastal area during a presentation by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at a briefing on the Mayaguez situation for the Bipartisan Congressional Leadership.
Image: A4537-12A

Description: President Ford points to a map of the Cambodian coastal area during a presentation by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at a briefing on the Mayaguez situation for the Bipartisan Congressional Leadership. May 14, 1975.

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President Ford briefs the Bipartisan Congressional Leadership on the seizure of the American merchant ship S.S. Mayaguez.
Image: A4539-18A

Description: President Ford briefs the Bipartisan Congressional Leadership on the seizure of the American merchant ship S.S. Mayaguez.  May 14, 1975.

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Departing early from a White House dinner in honor of Netherlands’ Prime Minister, Johannes den Uyl, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft work into the night to monitor developments in the retaking of the S.S. Mayaguez.
Image: A4541-22A

Description: Departing early from a White House dinner in honor of Netherlands’ Prime Minister Johannes den Uyl, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Brent Scowcroft work into the night to monitor developments in the retaking of the Mayaguez. May 14, 1975.

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President Ford excused himself from a White House dinner for Netherlands’ Prime Minister Johannes den Uyl to take a phone call about plans to retake the S.S. Mayaguez and its crew.
Image: A4545-24A

Description: President Ford excused himself from a White House dinner for Netherlands’ Prime Minister Johannes den Uyl to take a phone call about plans to retake the S.S. Mayaguez and its crew. May 14, 1975.

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President Ford and senior staff members stay late into the night to learn of the recapture of the S.S. Mayaguez and its crew.
Image: A4554-10

Description: President Ford and senior staff members stay late into the night to learn of the recapture of the S.S. Mayaguez and its crew.  May 14, 1975.

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